High Rez Screenshot?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by The real Sandaormo, Jul 5, 2022.

  1. The real Sandaormo Augur

    I thought at one point there was a command that took a screenshot of your toon in a higher quality than the normal screen shot you get in game. They always end up pixelated or lower rez than I would want to use in anything.
  2. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Screenshot format

    You can change the format your screenshots are saved in by adding the "ScreenshotType=" line in your eqclient.ini file, which is in your EverQuest directory.

    To save in bmp format you would change or add the line to read "ScreenshotType=bmp". Supported formats are bmp, jpg, tga, dds and png. Screenshots will continue to save in jpg format unless this line is added.

    They used to be in bmp, which made huge files. That was the reason it was changed to the current jpg.


    JPG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images. Since it is lossy, some information is lost and some quality as well. Although the quality loss is small.

    Try another format and see how it goes.
    RPoo, Kialya, Nennius and 1 other person like this.
  3. The real Sandaormo Augur

    ooh thanks, I will take a look at this.
    Appreciate the response.
  4. Tucoh Augur

    Try png before bmp, it uses lossless compression and will present a much smaller filesize.
    Nennius likes this.
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Also, bump your resolution up if you're taking screenshots and need higher quality.
  6. Riou EQResource

    Does PNG still annihilate like transparent windows like it did when they first changed it?
  7. Tucoh Augur

    No idea.