High HP mobs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Majnun, Dec 17, 2022.

  1. Majnun New Member

    Category: NPC [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Sat Dec 17 20:28:05 2022

    Character: Level 120 Shadow Knight (Main)
    Zone: Deepshade
    Location: 159.99, -1348.90, -231.03, 4.95

    Description: So this isn't really a bug in the game, but more of a bug in the devs' heads. WHY did you make high hp mobs in a game with such small zones? The zones being as small as they are, and the high hp mobs being as un-worthwhile as they are is just going to cause ppl to avoid these areas of the game. Therefore, decreasing the overall area of the new expansion that is playable. Please, get rid of this nonsense or make the high hp mobs more rewarding (like better/more loot and more exp). There is absolutely no point in killing these mobs as far as I can tell, except to do them one time for the achievements they are linked to. Please look into this and stop ruining my game with poor dev decisions.