/hidemodles all

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Yinla, May 5, 2020.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Does not hide the name or the weapons.

    I know I can get rid of the name by turning them off, but there is no way to get rid of the weapons.

    Hidemodels none doesnt seem to work, cant figure out how to see players again.

    Also this seems to be across all chars on the account :( and doesn't reset when you relog. :(
    Moege likes this.
  2. Moege Augur

    try /hidemodels players none
    turns my models back on
  3. smash Augur

    Really need to improve this, weapons should also be removed.

    When you zone into a zone, not all the pets are invis, you need to turn none, then all, same for players.

    When I zone in my pet is not invis, then i put an illusion on, and it does become invis.

    This probably something else, maybe related, I have had so I got into zone without illusion, got into zone where a banner with illusion on
    I got that, i put the illusion on blocked, and illusion was removed, but I could still not use mount, and I was myself invis, I could not see myself at all,
    I casted illusion on myself and got it, removed that, but could still not get on mount,, and during all that I was still invis.