hero's journey req levels

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kearstin, May 19, 2015.

  1. Kearstin Elder

    needing to be 75 to explore ashengate and frostcrypt for wanderlust is really absurd, needing to be 75 for old commonlands quests from avelyn and parthar is pretty absurd, needing to be 80 to claim about half of the req 75 paragon rewards when you can complete all but avelyn and parthar's quests at 70 is somewhat absurd

    can't get most of the quests in buried sea at 71, heading to secrets of faydwyer next and there is one visible achievement: Assisting the Ak'Anon Strike Force V, which means at 71 i can't get any of the other hero's non-vis gear rewards and that stuff is req 69, don't know what if any issues for getting sof quests at 71 exist

    jonas missions rewarding req 69 armor at level 70 that you can complete earlier makes some sense, still would be handy to be able to see the hero's journey achievements to keep track of what you have completed even if the armor rewards would be banked

    is it hero's journey or coward's journey? some of us don't think blue cons are a worthy challenge
  2. Vlerg Augur

    it's a '' bug your friend for random irrelevant raid'' journey and a ' massacre LDON's stuff till your eyes bleed'' journey... mostly.
  3. Kearstin Elder

    hi, welcome to everquest

    "bug 40-50 random 'friends' to beat raids over and over which will drop gear that will be irrelevant in 2 years at most" and "massacre mobs till your eyes bleed to get 10k+ aa"... mostly

    the confusing part is that at level 71 i could complete arx mentis raids but can't complete the wanderlust aug, you shouldn't be confused by the doing raids and killing mobs part
  4. Agrippa Augur

    Everquest has a long history of messing up the "appropriate" levels. Defiant jewelry from the vendors doesn't unlock until one is well beyond the appropriate level sets. The 51/50 server equipped new characters in the wrong set of defiant. The vast majority of the Hero's Journey rewards are total crap compared to basic group drops of same level. One could go on all day with this kind of list.
  5. Kearstin Elder

    thanks for the history lesson, to return the favor

    americans paid taxes to the british empire, the united states had slavery and women weren't allowed to vote, i could go on all day with this kind of list

    if these things can be changed i'm guessing they can edit a field on avelyn, parthar and some hero ach, maybe even on the defiant jewelry vendors
  6. Kolani Augur

    ...aside from the part that TDS progression mobs won't talk to you at 71.
    Silv likes this.
  7. Kearstin Elder

    sof gets even better

    choone, gubble, darwin, qandiael and erradien require level 75, kaerra is 65 but mash brownies and moonfire two of the best ways to get the faction kaerra requires aren't available for another 10 levels

    i'm savior of the field of scale but qandiael is protecting me from even attempting his brownie killing mission until i gain 4 more levels

    on the bright side you can complete the one visible at 70 sof hero's journey progression achievement at 70, you can get bobbenpin's quests at 65, the click to plant the banner requires 70 so that's the lowest level you can complete the quest

    this is dragonscale hills, come back at 75 when you are "suitable" level for the content

    where to get a "suitable" level for dsh? loping of course, dwinn and his removable purity aug is 72 and donart and his bloodmoon keep quests are 75, maybe those make sense as being one of the harder quest lines and a different zone, but ryveron is also 75 because looting minotaurs, gators and treants is something best level to players who are at least level 75

    so req 69 hero ears, rings, face and belt quests can't be completed until 75, hero neck, shoulders and range you can complete the quests at 70 and back at 72 but can't claim the achievements until 75

    and then all the quests starting in fort mech are 75 but no gear rewards there as charm doesn't exist, doesn't exist for paragon either and concepts like dual wield let alone bows or alternate weapons never occured to whoever set up the rewards

    then of course the lack of knowledge of everquest or a dislike of tradeskills eron's jewelry isn't part of hero's journey same as aid grimel was forgotten or skipped

    overall other than piggy backing sod progression and linking so many quests in tss to at least keep people busy the hero's journey is a complete failure, did the person or people who created this ever play in tbs or sof? re-visiting that content to create the hero's journey and not adjusting levels is utter failure