Heroic Shaman

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Avalon, May 23, 2018.

  1. Avalon New Member

    I recently bought a lvl 85 shaman. Whilst setting up my spell slots I noticed that I had no spells in the Canni line.

    is this correct? I thought we got all Rank 1 spells
  2. Mehdisin Mahn Augur

    I've never set up a heroic shaman before, but be sure you've checked utility beneficial -> conversions for your canni spells.

    also there's AA canni which is much more useful than the spells anyways and i think you should have a few ranks of it to start as a heroic.
  3. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    Use AA canni. Very useful. Heroic shaman are a really good choice for heroic character #2 after you choose something that can tank (mage, warrior, SK, etc)
  4. Moldar Augur

    The Cannibalization AA (I believe in the Class Tab) is going to be your largest source of regaining spent mana moving forward.

    But you're correct there is a traditional spell cannibalize line. It should have come with the heroic character, I would check again to see if it is there, I do not use it much on my shaman but I believe it is under Utility Beneficial > Conversions/Miscellaneous / Regen > Conversions/Miscellaneous

    BUT be warned the spell line pales in comparison to the AA Line.

    I would just work on getting your shaman enough AA to try and keep the AA Cannibalize skill and it hasted AA counterparts maxed for the shaman's level. That should give you plenty of mana.

    If you're planning on using DoT's they will consume a large amount of Mana, use the swiftdots they are fantastic mana-wise and roughly deal the same amount of damage as the revamped DoT's, but for A LOT less mana.
  5. Leigo You come here often?

    I believe this is in the works to be fixed. Heroics are supposed to get every spell up to 85. Though some classes are not getting everything. Just go to the shm spell vendor in pok and buy the newest one for your level.. yes AA canni will be your biggest return, the spell helps when you're dumping Mana quickly.
  6. Mehdisin Mahn Augur

    the tradeoff of course being that you have to recast them every few ticks.

    I would also recommend maxing out languid bite. at max level it does the same damage as our fast dots and procs off of any slow cast. the tradeoff being that you have to manage your slows based on your crowd control method (ie can't slow mezzed mobs anymore).