Heroic character suggestion

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Cpw_, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Cpw_ New Member

    I have 2 accounts one that has been around much longer and has many higher level characters. The second account has many characters stuck at around level 60.

    What would be your suggestion of a heroic character on the first account that can mass kill greens to get the second account up into the 70s range?
  2. Drusi Augur

    Personally, I like heroic mage for bootstrapping other characters. No need for expensive gear. Only thing,try to get Summoned: Enhanced Minion thingie from bazaar. That is EM13 instead of EM5 that heroic mages get in earring.

    Other options:
    BST is probably most versatile at 85, but MNK will have more dps. However, both need to buy better weapons than the 50/19s that 85 heroics start with. Spiked Rage is a cheap upgrade I think 65/19 and should cost less than 15k :)

    Heroic BSTs and MNKSs can kill mid 60s greenies pretty darn well

    Not sure how Rangers and Berserkers compare for mass killing greens after the nerfs to the swarming disciplines. I think Ranger would have been the top choice a year ago but not anymore.