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Help with dru burn please?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Brohg, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. Brohg Augur

    Does Destructive Vortex boost the initial hit of Nature's Burning Wrath?
    Does Nature's Fury? (also?)
    When, in a good startup sequence, do you slot in these things (Nature's Fury multiplying the cost of dots is pretty scary) ?
    Does one hold ITC to refresh dots, if the battle's going to be…whatever, 3 minutes? so raids not just group named
    Path of Destruction appears totally agnostic as regards what spells it boosts, is that accurate?
    Do Casting Fire (or Casting Magic?) type 18/19s warp spell selection?
    2h vs HoHV1h+Tome?
    Obviously keep the enchanter up, but do you heal the wizards, mages, and necros to keep getting their synergies???
  2. Rolaque Ancient

    Keeping caster dps alive is your primary job.

    As for your own burns and dps, do parses on a combat dummy. You need to experience and learn how to weave your nukes around your dots. Nothing fades in the guild hall (so use black wolf, Vortex, NF, 1st spire, glyph, and spell twincast) to simulate a full burn of your 3 dots and 4-5 nukes - dis, cyclonic, anabatic, and a remote and/or summer sunflame. This will give you an indication of what to expect during a raid burn. You should get about 300kdps for a 200sec parse (this is without any outside adps). Roughly, your 3 dots will do two thirds of your damage, and the nukes the other third. You should have audio triggers for each dot fading (Natures, Sunflame, Horde). You can also place Natures in your nuke multi-bind order, such as Dis - Cyclo - Anab - Natures - Remote/SS. That way it gets re-casted whenever it refreshes.
  3. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Haven’t really raided in last 2 or 3 expansions. But yes keep everyone alive.

    Destructive Vortex only works on the ticks. Nature’s Fury works on the initial hit. Yes NF will kill your mana cost on DoTs, however it appears they fixed the Gift of Mana / NF stacking conflict so you could wait for GoM procs to use DoTs. It’s less damage but more efficient if the fight is likely to outlive your mana pool.

    Lead off with spell Twincast and apply DoTs. You should be able to apply all DoTs and get a few nukes in on spell Twincast before going to Improved Twincast. Reason for doing this is burn fights are likely to exceed 5min, exceeding 15min is possible but less likely. In those cases it’s less burn and more sustained damage which may change up your spell selection.

    The BP clicky from VoA onward does impact any casted Nuke with a mana cost. It doesn’t care about resist etc.

    Haven’t played TBL so dunno about the 18/19 Augs

    On base values, 2h appears superior to 1h+Tome. Haven’t really parsed this though.
  4. gotwar Gotcharms

    Sure, but only if it doesn't interfere with your ability to keep your Enchanter alive. We're clearly the most important group member.
  5. menown Augur

    In necro group, when all the adps die, I always rez the bard first. :p
    Sancus, Brohg and gotwar like this.
  6. Derd Augur

    Not really contributing to this but to dream. That one day a druid in our raids would even try to burn..
    Annastasya likes this.
  7. Cindane Journeyman

    To add on what was already said above, always keep up the DRU ice aura, Frostreave Aura, and refresh it just as you engage an event. I've gotten 60K per tick procs off it alone, and paired with Dragonmagic Focus potions, it's nice passive added damage.

    If you're supporting others in a raid or group role, I've recently noticed two of our guild wizards getting 120K per strike procs per tick from my aura on raids (from crits + luck stat.) Joked with some of my guildmates that it's "massive" added damage to all casters. :) Even SKs (on the group side) get some decent added dps added to their spear and bite of chaos lines.
  8. Nylrem Augur

    Derd, if your druids aren't burning, ever, then that's a big problem, probably one of the most significant within your guild, honestly...

    1 shaman alliance plus 2 clerics healing the MT, and that should take care of like 80% of the raid's healing needs, if it's possible for all to be within 60' of the MT. Throw in AE HoTs and heals from the classes that can, and should only need occasional group heals from druids after AEs, etc.

    If super necessary, and low on clerics, a single druid in a pet group casting Ethereal Ways every 15 seconds will heal the MT for like 10 million hp per minute, while still doing very decent DPS...

    Druids can maintain over 450k DPS for 5+ minutes
    Shaman can maintain over 300k DPS indefinitely, while healing well (as long as mob isn't bufflocked)
    Clerics can maintain over 100k DPS, while healing well enough to keep a MT that's on glyph alive

    If your druids can't burn, ever, then there's a huge flaw in your heal team, guild's lack of understanding about how healing alliance works on the MT, AE heal rotation, or something.

    GMM dragon, as an example, every single toon should be DPSing, and it should be less than a 4 minute fight.
  9. Belkar_OotS Augur

    My guilds have permanently full rebuff slots after the first minute it seems (3 necros plus everyone else). I struggle to sneak things in.

    I admit to not being a good druid for dps. I would love to see someone walkthrough how they do it.

    I think my big issues are with execution but I've never hit 450k and while not maxed out on AA or gear I obviously should be hitting bigger numbers.
  10. Nuttmeg Augur

    I wear many hats. At work I used to take all the escalations, do all the interviews, do the actual hiring and firing, and a lot of IT work. I performed just about every task... not super well, but I got it done.

    As I was being fired, the boss said, "You're basically a real life Druid." BURN
  11. Nylrem Augur

    Fire the necros :)

    Not joking, really... Seriously, best bet for a guild atm is just to have any necros main change, until Daybreak actually fixes them, if ever... Or triples a mob's debuff slots...

    When priests' third and fourth choice dots are better than a necro's first and second choices... and priests still maintain the ability to heal well, great buffs/debuffs, etc... Well, necro just doesn't compete, even a single one. Three, in one guild, on every event, is absolutely crippling.

    For druids, can give ya a list, in order, of spells cast that did 450k in 250s... I am guessing there could be improvements to this, but here's something to start with, plus there may have been some activated things clicked prior to mob engage, that not showing up on gamparse spells cast...

    received fierce eye, auspice, bard epic
    silent casting
    destructive vortex
    first spire of nature, nature's fury, spirit of the black wolf
    chill of the wildtender
    horde of polybiads
    storm strike
    glyph of destruction, received quick time
    dissident winds
    cyclonic roar
    horde of polybiads
    horde of polybiads
    storm strike
    cyclonic roar
    anabatic roar
    remote sunblaze
    storm strike
    cyclonic roar
    nature's will
    anabatic roar
    received chromatic haze
    storm strike
    cyclonic roar
    dissident winds
    anabatic roar
    storm strike
    cyclonic roar
    received chromatic haze
    anabatic roar
    cyclonic roar
    storm strike
    anabatic roar
    received auspice
    cyclonic roar
    storm strike
    anabatic roar
    remote sunblaze
    summer sunflame
    cyclonic roar
    distant conflagration
    storm strike
    anabatic roar
    dissident winds
    cyclonic roar
    storm strike
    anabatic roar
    remote sunblaze
    summer sunflame
    cyclonic roar
    horde of polybiads
    chill of the wildtender
    storm strike
    cyclonic roar
    received fierce eye, bard epic
    cyclonic roar
    storm strike
    anabatic roar
    remote sunblaze
    cyclonic roar
    storm strike
    dissident winds, received auspice
    anabatic roar
    cyclonic roar
    storm strike
    anabatic roar
    cyclonic roar
    remote sunblaze

    so, hope that helped :)
    Brohg likes this.
  12. Brohg Augur

    it did some, ty.

    incidentally, counted - 13.7 spells/minute.

    Some follow-up, there were other druids there doing Glistening Frost, Skin to Sumac, Frostreave Breath to lead off the event? did you edit out weaving in Blessing of Ros for the HOTT, or don't do that in full burn mode? Does your guild debuff-lock, is that why no Pearlescent Moonbeam or Overwhelming Sunray, or also other druids doing them? By my guild hall checking, total damage on those beats a Roar cast-for-cast, with their cold/fire damage adds being gravy, if they have their 1m30 to run. But there's also spell gems to consider…
  13. Robnie Augur

    This was me boxing a druid cause I need my dps fix.

    There are other druids, I expect them to debuff.

    Moonbeam and Sunray are the weakest dots by far and I don't want to block an important spell especially on a raid like dragon so I don't use them. Some of the main druids use them I know. IMO only one druid should be using them.

    Spells were very laggy so I missed out about 30 seconds of itc too.

    I don't stress over blessing on dragon, if the tank dies I'm firing every cleric.
    Brohg likes this.
  14. Brohg Augur

    killing two Throne Guardians -
    Chill dot on both
    Horde dot on both
    Pearlescent Moonbeam both?
    Dissident Winds
    Remote Moonflash

    Frostreave Chill target AE for sure
    Plunging Hail rain?
    Windborne Chill target AE?
    Frosthowl Chill target AE? -- or off to regular Roars before dipping under level 100?