Hello Norrath!

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by BigShackSal, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. BigShackSal New Member

    Hello friends! In typical fashion, I'm a returning player - aka may as well be a new guy - having played EQ from launch through 2004. You know, when great WoW plague claimed many a life from the great lands of Norrath.

    Anyhow.. as such, I'm very interested in these TLP servers. I've read and read and read.. I've used the forum search etc. I get mixed reaction.. some say great, some say it's already in decline.. some say its just a flash in the pan sort of thing.

    I want to play through the game. Get lost again. Die again. I'm the older fellow looking for just a twinge of that old nostalgia. But I don't want to be totally alone.. which I realize is an absurd request given a 17 year old game... I want to do the group thing again. Crushbone.. High Pass Keep, the Karanas. I realize I can never re-live the good old days I remember, but will the current TLP give me a semblance of it? Should I wait... will there be another one launch fresh at some point?

    Yes, I've made a free character and played it, really having a good time with it. Minus the apparent ddos issues going on, but I figure that will resolve itself at some point.

    I'm willing to read and mull on any and all opinions on such matters. Thanks in advance.

    TLDR (which I hope isn't too much of a thing with EQ players, but..) - Returning player. Want to smash orc face like long time ago, but with groups of similar level players. Join TLP, wait, or go back to my real life with the sad realization that EQ is dead.
  2. Supafro New Member

    The Phinny server is probably your best bet. Still early in velious, very health population and a solid server ruleset that I believe will help keep the population thriving there.
  3. Mimmie Journeyman

    when game works phinny is great.