Headshot proc increases?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by GIToez, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. GIToez New Member

    Returning after several years away and relearning the game.
    Ive seen some posts about how crazy headshot damage is and there rates of procs if WAY different than my own. (i maybe get 1 proc every 2-3 mobs) was curious what I should be doing (lv. 101) to increase my proc chance of Headshot (or even poison arrow) for help with my damage,
  2. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Load up on hDex and pray the RNG gods smile on you.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  3. GIToez New Member

    treat me like a noob. hdex thats Heroic Dex right? from gear? mods? aas?
    Szilent likes this.
  4. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Though delay does not mod proc rate /time, it does mod how often a check is performed. more checks per hour WILL add up to a bit more procs /time by avoiding null timer intervals where NO proc happened as no dice roll was won in the period.

    I found, accidentally, that procs seem to happen more frequently if the mobs are running away and sometimes "stick", like you know it should be happening, it is not, then you cast something and BAM there it is...

    I routinely use a mage and ranger duo as mage pet rounding up mobs satisfies the 'unrooted, stationary" requirement for bow double damage regardless of Procs. I found, over many many many sessions of doing this, that headshots hit at a 50% or more higher rate vs mobs who were aggro to the pet, chasing the pet to the next mob.

    A prime spot for this is Gyrospire Beza, where half the mobs are headshottable and half are not. I find at times HS sticks and when it does hang up, I can "dislodge" it by a cast or send the pet toward another mob and shoot at the rear of mob.

    It does not say anything about this in "the manual" so to speak, but it works pretty reliably to increase headshots per lesson burn.

    The proc timer is a static interval percentile, it is NOT a percentile change newly beginning after each successful proc. Not all procs occur in the same time stamp within an interval, some happen just at the very beginnig of the period and some at the end by random distribution. If, for example, there was only 1 check per interval and that check was at the beginning of the period of time bound between checks, at once per INTERVAL is the same as once per TIMERED CHECK. If a lower delay of a factor of 1 is introduced, where there are now 2 checks per possible interval, <sometimes> the 1st check, early in the periodic interval fails a dice roll, yet the second check wins your roll. At a 1:1 timer to check ratio, that second chance at the proc is impossible, where in real time doubling check rate is a roughly 50% improvement /time. At a 1:1 ratio a failed roll is always a fail until the next timered interval. There is no second check per interval to give a save roll to.
    GIToez likes this.
  5. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Yes H_stat is Increased CAP not skill, you still need the stat to fill the meter)
    GIToez likes this.
  6. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    oh and if you are rolling 100% ranged bow, type /assist off - this removes the melee attack character model animation prior to actually firing your bow so that 1st arrow lands sooner.
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Yeah. Dex and hDex increase your chance for weapon procs, which is essentially (but not exactly) what headshot is. The higher your Dex, the better chance it will proc. At 101, you're probably not gonna get a whole lot of headshots or high damage, but at 120 (now 125 I guess), on humanoid mobs, it can turn into a virtual machine gun and chew through them. Of course, you'll still get mobs where it will only fire once or twice. The RNG is a fickle mistress.

    Heroic Dex is primarily going to come from your augs. Make sure the primary stat on your type 5 augs is hDex, and then focus on type 7 augs that also have high hDex.
    GIToez likes this.
  8. GIToez New Member

    thanks guys
  9. Gialana Augur

    Additionally, Heroic Dex is on several trophies, but you'll need to use tribute points to run them after they're acquired. The most recent expansions reward trophies that have all heroic stats when you finish all of the collection achievements for the expansion. I think earlier expansions reward the Trophy Collector AA when you complete the collection achievements. There are 4 possible Trophy Collector AAs, so you can max out at running 8 personal trophies at a time instead of the 4 without the AAs.
    GIToez likes this.
  10. GIToez New Member

    THis helped so much, weaving in archery type skills deff helped our my procs ALOT.
    sadly i dont multi box just mostly solo so cant play with the pet idea (give rangers pets damnit) but weaving in more archery skills deff raised my procs up thanks.