have proof someone is botting, want to do more than just a /petition.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by dwarfmonster, Jun 21, 2015.

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  1. dwarfmonster New Member

    I was grouping with a character on the Ragefire server in OOT. He was 6 boxing, which he said up front. 4 characters were in the group, and he had 2 level 50 characters out of group as support. They were a magician and i believe a cleric. One of his characters he was leveling was an enchanter. My buff of Clarity had wore off so i asked him to rebuff if he could. He told me to just send a tell to the enchanter and just say "Clarity" and that was it.
    The curious thing when i did that, is that as soon as i sent that /tell, the enchanter targeted the cleric outside of the group and cast clarity upon them. Every time i sent that message "clarity" it happened. If we were fighting a monster, it wouldnt work as the enchanter would then cast Tash on the monster then sit back down. Then you could resume the /tell Clarity and the buffing would continue.

    I opened fraps and got a recording of this occurring. BLATANT botting with a program that shall not be mentioned.

    I know i can submit screenshots and i hope video with a /petition, but what else can i do to make sure this person is stopped?
    Owndar likes this.
  2. Redik2 Augur

    Let's focus on this...

    Meaning it happened not only once (tipping you off he was botting) but multiple times.. which means you stayed in the group with him.

    So what you're saying is "I grouped with a cheater but the XP was really good so I stayed grouped with him but now I want to report him because I'm that guy."

    If you were so concerned about the state of cheating/use of 3rd party stuff in this game you would have immediately left the group after you obtained first proof he was cheating.

    Master Kahleem, Jent, Behee and 2 others like this.
  3. Warlorf Augur

    And point of this thread is ???.... You stayed and loved it, don't pretend otherwise
    Behee likes this.
  4. Lellani New Member

    3rd party software is against ToS. End of story.
    Watched a box army in Fear last night...warp the zone...How do I know? We sent our monk to recon the zone..they were seen over on the other side. Monk comes back to our raid on the far side. Mob pops...before we could even get the mob tagged..poof the box army shows up and kills. End of story.
    From now on, it's report..report..report..
    If someone wants to pay for 6 accounts and can manage them all, that's fine. But when they start using a 3rd party software to control and hack the game, I have serious issues.
    Smallpox, Warlorf and Frenzic like this.
  5. code-zero Augur

    Since you benefitted from the illegal game play I don't suppose that you'll be in any way upset if your character/account is rollback/banned then?
  6. Kittany Augur

    Wow. Just wow. Way to go you two. So you basically just turned this around onto the original poster to turn him into the bad guy. Congratulations. You win the "Lets blame somebody else for the problem" award.
    Mauriac, Nickatropolis and Smallpox like this.
  7. code-zero Augur

    He is a bad guy. He admits to benefitting from the illegal play, or at least what he perceived as illegal play and now wants to do something besides just /petition

    He's like someone who said, "dude brought some doobies and some oxy over and we partied for a while, what can I do to be sure that the DEA send him to jail?"
    Xnao likes this.
  8. Endtimes Elder

    I can't imagine caring about this
  9. Kittany Augur

    To be fair, it doesn't matter what the original poster did. He found somebody botting and has proof; Both in screen shots and recordings. Should the powers to be find him guilty by association, then fine.

    However, when he comes here to post such things and he is then shamed for it, it speaks volumes of the community at large. This is essentially victim blaming. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victim_blaming
    Fallfyres and Smallpox like this.
  10. code-zero Augur

    but he's not a victim, he's an offender. He also wants to be a special little snowflake and have the GM's give his complaint special consideration as well. The proper way to handle such things is to first /report conversations, /petition and then amend the petition with any relevant video's and screen shots.
  11. Equanimity Journeyman

    The OP is not a victim of anything nor is he the perpetrator.

  12. Kittany Augur

    So basically what you're saying is the botter he found should be allowed to continue to bot and that anybody who reports such activity should be basically told to shut up?
  13. code-zero Augur

    No, I'm saying that the OP needs a timeout as well as the botter.
  14. Endtimes Elder

    I think what he's saying is , you should get a grip

    This is a video game FFS, lighten up
  15. Jezzie Augur

    We know that OP stayed around long enough to confirm their suspicions.
    We know that OP stayed around long enough to gather proof, screenshots, fraps.
    We don't know how long OP stayed after that
    Nice job OP, ;)
    Gythlen, Smallpox, Kellaer and 4 others like this.
  16. Azzudien Augur

    How is this botting? I don't play a caster right now, but years ago I did and I seem to remember there was a way to target someone for buffs easily when they sent tells. How are you sure this person was just not doing that?
  17. Templeton Augur

    He stayed to observe and record as far as I can see from the information given.

    The mindset of the folks here attacking him is confusing to say the least.

    Throw it all up on Youtube OP. Link it all in your report. End of story.
    Mauriac, Smallpox and Deadlyne like this.
  18. Warlorf Augur

    So two wrongs make a right? If you benefit from a wrong then complain about it that makes it OK?

    You win "special" reply of the day. Think before posting please.
  19. Owndar Elder

    Your analogy is false. 1 he didn't know originally the guy with botting. 2 it's highly unlike he benefited from "1337" exp if bot was so awful that it couldn't cast clarity right. 3 why should he have to leave the group when he already has to stay to record the botting as evidence.

    Ban the botter and like OPs comment.
    Also, consider watching Code-Zero accounts as by his posts he is likely a botter also.
    Deadlyne likes this.
  20. Hateseeker Augur

    Is there a provision in the EULA/TOS that makes benefiting from violator an actual violation too?

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