Has there been any official post about an early vote?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wandidar, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Wandidar Elder

    The title more or less says it all.

    There are (seemingly) 8 billion threads on an early Kunark vote - but have the devs posted something about it?

    I'm sorta torn on the the whole topic personally... I would say this though, if they do it, I hope they restrict it to a single vote per account holder, rather than a single vote per account. I don't really want to get outvoted 6 votes to 1 by a single person.
  2. Fohpo Augur

    They said more info coming, and implied a vote of some sort would be on the way.
  3. Wandidar Elder

  4. Ceffener Augur

    Gotta be in Twitter to get news
  5. Tharrg Augur

    I wish they would not cater to those who rushed the content... we went to this server because we were told it would be 6months till release.. I dont care if they are getting tired of KS'ing the same old raid targets over and over. They should have to wait like the rest of us. If you give in this time for early unlock guess whats going to happen when you release Kunark and those guilds have wiped all the Raid bosses in first couple days? thats right.. they will try to get unlock early vote for Velious.. and its never going to stop. :mad:
  6. Fallfyres Augur

    They have posted information on Twitter.
  7. Nolrog Augur

    It was tweeted but then Holly responded here:


  8. Zublak Augur

    The Kunark threads should be a more of a "What if". Nothing is set in stone yet. I have a feeling we'll be finding out before the weekend, but we'll see. I wouldn't get overly worked about it yet. Just let whatever happens play out and then find out whether you agree or disagree and decide your fate then.
  9. Wandidar Elder

    The reason I'm torn is that on one hand, I want to level nice and slow and enjoy myself rather than rushing through the game (which clearly lends itself to not wanting content released too soon for me personally)...


    I have already found myself saying things like "Ohh... I can't wait to go do LOIO!" and then thinking... Oh, wait, I can't!

    A bit of a conundrum for me.
  10. Katmandu26 Augur

    I'm torn, too. Which server to dedicate my play time to, which will I have more of a shot to raid on, which will have a longer expansion time, which will have a more solid population. I'm waiting to see how it all pans out and just leveling up characters on both in the mean time.
  11. Steampunk Augur