Hardest raid ever beaten while it was current?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by mmats, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. mmats Augur

    In your opinion, what was the hardest raid to ever be legitimately beaten while it was current (meaning latest expansion)? This can include pre nerf versions as long as they were beaten in that form.

    I missed a large number of raids throughout the years, so I cant weigh in except to take a guess.

    I had heard at one point that the pre nerf Cooling Chamber: Beast Below raid was pretty tough (but beaten?).
  2. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Fippy Darkpaw. He would waste noobs on the first few days when the servers went live. Noobs would pile on and try to down him, but he would shrug off their attacks and take them down in a swipe or two. Then, feeling uber himself, he'd run in and try to take down the guards...
  3. mmats Augur

    Not a raid ;). Also Fippy was never ever defeated, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
  4. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    Tacvi - Tunat`Muram Cuu Vauax - I believe only 1 guild beat this raid prior to the next expansion release with the level increase.

    As foe pre nerf off the top of my head the 2 recent raids that come to mind are

    Pre Nerf Plane of War raid and Pre nerf Tower of Rot were only beat by 1-3 guilds
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    I believe there was a guild that beat it pre nerf. There was some way in which if you stacked 5 paladins and 1 necro in a group there was a way the necro could target the pet and in conjunction wirh paladins doing something would heal the group for millions basically making the tank bullet proof. I'm sure somebody knows exactly how it worked could chime in.
  6. Concertino New Member

    Was sleeper from sleepers tomb considered current when it was beat?
  7. Intenso Augur

    no one could ever beat tacvi at current expasnion everyone cried and left no1 is here now
  8. mmats Augur


    Lol never heard this one but very interesting if true.

    No I think it was a couple expansions later.
  9. Gundolin Augur

    I would think Sleeper's tomb would have been the hardest since on top of the difficulty of the raid, didn't you only have one shot per server or it released a dragon? Its been so many years, and I was not in a guild that could even try, I don't really remember for sure.

    I had thought it was eventually beaten while Velious was still current, but for all I know my memory is too far out of date and Velious wasn't even the expansion this was the top raid on....
  10. Axxius Augur

    Triton beat the first form of Tunat, but not the final form - that one was only killed during OoW, nobody got that one while it was current. It was absolutely insane for lv 65.

    I'll go with the pre-nerf Sepulcher 5 (The Triunity) in VoA as the hardest raid ever beaten while it was current. 2-3 hours of total madness! Only 6 guilds claimed this epic victory before it was nerfed.
  11. mmats Augur

    Not sure if I should be happy or sad I missed that.
  12. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Pre nerf Plane of War. Only one guild accomplished that feat.
  13. Kolani Augur

    Sleeper's Tomb was (a) not current when it was beat - PoP era, iirc and (b) only beat because the mob's regen was bugged and not fixed until the next full patch. If you really want to get into it, it wasn't beaten, it was exploited down.

    Zek's exploit win was during PoP. It had to be because of uchat and certain abilities that facilitated the win that weren't available in Velious.
    Gundolin likes this.
  14. Axxius Augur

    I have to disagree with that. There was not enough time for most guilds to even give it a serious try. PoW was an optional encounter released in parallel with new raids in the main expansion. And it was nerfed way too fast. If it was released alone as the final tier of CotF, I'm sure the things would have been different.
    Reht likes this.
  15. Ratbo Peep Augur

    You won't see epic victories like that anymore. Not with all the "timer happy" designs.
    eqgamer, Funk and Axxius like this.
  16. Cavall Journeyman

    I had almost purged my memory of pre-nerf ToRot. We threw ourselves at that brutal clusterfudge so many times. IIRC we finally managed to beat it, less than a week before the nerf. That sense of accomplishment...

    Pre-nerf PoWar was ridiculous enough that I think we stopped trying until it was nerfed. Just too brutal. Tip of the hat to RoI on that one.
  17. Brohg Augur

    Beating Overlord Mata Muram was accomplished by very few before DoN release. Most guilds beat Vishimtar first, some never did.
  18. Seldom Augur

    Pre Nerf Plane of War by a fairly nice margin IMO
  19. Bigstomp Augur

    Pre-nerf ToRot was bad. Until they fixed that lag inducing texture (no idea how that worked, but apparently it was the green texture that made the whole event lag like mad)

    My memory could be fuzzy but I think we beat war pre-nerf too (I think 3 guilds did). If we did I know it was close though (the nerfs were coming the next day or two)
  20. Seldom Augur

    Only RoI beat Pre Nerf PoWar. No one else came close