Hardcore Heritage prematurely ends ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Phoenixx, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Phoenixx New Member

    Pretty disappointed that HH 2018 ended a full hour early then advertise. I appreciate the effort you put into these events but devs should really stick to the schedule. It took my guild until the very end of HH to get a good guild group into the Seb crypt because it was always camped. Then, 2 hours into our camp, it ends an hour early. Between and the nearly half a day we lost due to extended maintinence, the Devs could have at least extended it through the holiday.

    Just venting.....
  2. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    1 hour is roughly .2% of the time that HH Seb was active. We're really gonna gripe about this? A fifth of a percent?
  3. Masse The Butcher Journeyman

    can i pay roughly .2% less and still get to play the full game in its entirety? no? well then maybe you should crawl back under your bridge. we were told one thing and given another and i happen to pay to play this game. when im told something for a product i pay for i expect the other side to come through on what they said they were going to do. another thing i dont understand is why close this in the middle of the week especially on a holiday when people will have time off of work and be able to sit down and play. you cant let the game run till sunday night or even till the end of the this exp and increased spawn event?
  4. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    Guess there's nothing left to do.

    Tierwyn likes this.
  5. Khat_Nip Meow

    What does HH have to do with Independence Day? You're getting bent out of shape over timing.
  6. Monkman Augur

    Get over it, you had plenty of time to get stuff done.
    Tierwyn, Sheex and feeltheburn like this.
  7. Thraine Augur

    theres always next year!
  8. feeltheburn Augur

    can I have your stuff ??
  9. Sam Hyde "You're" on ignore

    How about the 40+ server crashes we had on Xegony over that month? What percentage did that come out to? We don't get that time back.

    The exp bonus should have lasted all week, cheap bastards.