Hardcore Heritage Collection quests

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Genadine, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Genadine Elder

    In the description it states they can only be completed during the Hardcore Heritage events does this mean :

    1. After HH finishes you cannot complete them anymore

    2. No more will drop so bazaar prices increase

    3. Something else

    Any official response would be greatly appreciated

  2. Edrick Augur

    I can't speak for the developers but I can predict that they will no longer spawn after hardcore heritage, and the collection pieces will still be able to be collected and the achievement will still be obtainable.

    So if you want to potentially get a lot of plat, hold onto a set of collection items and sell them six months from now.
  3. Tobynn Augur

    Once the zones revert to normal, the collectibles will no longer be available in those zones -- no more ground spawns, no more mob drops. The collectibles will still be available from other players, and the achievements will be available permanently.
  4. Genadine Elder

    Thanks for responses was as I had hoped but would be nice for a red name to confirm.

  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I would imagine they will be back again next year, would be nice if they stuck around in the unrevamped zone.
  6. SpamFactory Augur

    is there any sort of hidden reward for doing them all in solb/MM?
    I've just been selling all the ones I get since as far as I can tell they only offer exp rewards which i don't need