Happy Almost 2 year Anniversary Necros

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Juzam Djinn, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Juzam Djinn Elder


    March 2016 Patch Preview

    Our March patch is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 2016 (the day of EverQuest’s 17th Anniversary!). Here are some highlights on what players can expect from this patch:

    DoTs Improvements

    Over the past few months, we've been reviewing the way DoTs work and how we would like to improve them going forward. As most of you know, there's a limited number of debuff slots available on any given NPC, which conflicts with DoT classes wanting to layer as many spells as possible on any given NPC in order to maximize damage. This layering has contributed to a lot of problems over the years; most notably, it takes a lot of spell slots away from players who want to maximize DoT damage, and it uses up many of the limited debuff slots available on raid targets.
  2. Juzam Djinn Elder

    Just would like some word if its still going to happen & what do you see in the near future for our Undead dotting masters /sarcasm off
  3. sojero One hit wonder

    I am offended that you left SK out of your post!

    #SK lives matter to
  4. Juzam Djinn Elder

    Fixed in the message text
  5. IblisTheMage Augur

    Would the solution be to start introducing a few super-dots, and go on from there?

    I guess the problem is that this direction will change the playstyle of the necro, from laying an enormeous number of dots down to stack a handful...
  6. Cicelee Augur

    I want to see necros cast one dot that does 1.5 million damage per tick over two minutes. Eliminate all the other dots, have them not stack with mega dot. But have mega dots stack with each other. Call it a day.

    I am sure necros would love to cast one spell every two minutes and do 250k DPS. Gaming entertainment at its finest!

    Edit- mega dot has two minute refresh. Cause reasons.
  7. fransisco Augur

    Naw. It does not refresh until you remem the spell...
  8. Bobsmith Augur

    A status update, good or bad would be nice. :)
  9. Juzam Djinn Elder

    No I would like to see necros remain complex with a few QOL changes and maybe a dps boost that is good for live and can trickle down a bit to the TLP ( I play on both)
  10. svann Augur

    Maybe have a separate debuff window just for dots, sort of like how players have a separate buff window for short term buffs.
  11. snailish Augur

    I said it somewhere else, but necros can be broken underpowered on progression and people will mostly just roll other characters --not that many would quit.

    Necros broken overpowered on progression likely breaks progression. That's a $ risk I would hesitate to take.

    Necros broken on live could = all sorts of 10-15 years played necros quitting. Not a move I would make either.

    If dot revamp is going to happen, it needs to be well-tuned and keep the class versatile and fun.

    A timeline update would be great though.
  12. fransisco Augur

    Its a hard balance. Cause well tuned also means necros cannot burst like wizards and mages.
  13. YellowBelly Augur

    Leave necros alone. No one wants a dumbed down version of the class.
    Rizzin likes this.
  14. Maedhros High King

    This is fantastic.
    A mother elephant has the longest pregnancy of any mammal. Taking up to a year and a half from conception until birth.
    A mother blue whale can produce a 20 foot long calf that can swim underwater in right around a year.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  15. Tucoh Augur

    Happy birthday necros!
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  16. Vanrau Augur

    Klaatu Barada N*cough*. There I said it!
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  17. Moege Augur

    Glad someone is thinking about the necro's !
  18. Allayna Augur

    There are a handful of good necros left out there...you're better off recruiting druids =p
  19. Juzam Djinn Elder

    LOL Probably Right :p
  20. Venau Augur

    Willing to drop this issue under the following conditions:

    1) When a necro raids: He/she is auto grouped with 1 bard, 3 chanters, and a random healer. No other raid group composition is to be allowed. This is to be coded in game. No exceptions.

    If there is a lack of bards/chanters....other classes are morphed into bard/chanter as needed.

    2) Druids will stop being so greedy and lend us one of their DoTs each event. If this is too much perhaps we will accept a shaman DoT instead. But...it's OUR choice.

    3) Free subscriptions for all necros

    4) The necro class becomes the only true caster class empowered to wear full plate armor and receives identical benefit from said armor as does the average tank.

    5) A massive graphics flaw with all female DE necro is corrected. Since I am one of these....allow me to share......my toon's feet are skewed in an outward manner. Approximately 19 degrees excessively. This needs to change. How's a necro spos ta kite well when our feet are creating unnecessary stress on our knees? Can't believe this hasn't been addressed thusfar.....

    So there u have it DBG!!!! Personally, I'd be willing to compromise a bit as long as Item #5 is addressed.

    What say you Game Devs? Any updates? Or comments on the above list?