Halt the dead and Helix of the undying consolidation request

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Warpeace, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Warpeace Augur

    Now that there is movement on consolidation AA's any Chance Paladin can get the Halt the Dead and Helix of the Undying AA's combined into one.

    We received Halt the dead (undead snare) it was not directly upgraded and then we received two ranks of Helix of the Undying. These could have stayed all in one AA and just grown as you purchased more ranks.
  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Please, no. Halt the Dead has been bugged forever. It is supposed to be a snare but something about it is coded like a root . . . it can break on any random tick and not last its full duration. I don't want my slow/cripple to start fading on random ticks because the snare (root) broke.
    Repthor and Brohg like this.