Halloween Quests?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Miss_Jackie, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    I see Halloween vendors all over the place.. When are the quest npc's going up?

  2. Rainbowdash Augur

    Since they have been up on Test for I think...a week or two now? I'd guess within the next couple days.
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  3. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Thanks, I appreciate it. Ever since they released the achievements, I've been looking forward to completing them. =)
  4. CrazyLarth Augur

  5. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

  6. Orbital101 Augur

    About time!
  7. roguerunner Augur

    I'm real sad that it doesn't rememeber that I did some of these, even though I have the end items :(
  8. Straha Journeyman

    Yeah, any way you guys can tag some of the older items to check off achievements here? Had to burn my old Freemind Spore Earring to get rid of reward window after redoing Toadstool Surprise which was only one uncounted for Monster Mash achievement for some reason. Really not looking forward to redoing the Out With the Old monster mission to get Pernicious Puppets achievement when I've got the Bone Mask of Horror and still flagged for it as well if I go talk to Zigan Ribshard in PoK in costume, you can't get the mask/flag unless you've done everything required for the achievement so how bout fixing it?
    Sita, Yinla and Lisandra like this.