HA xp broken?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by demoria7, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. demoria7 Elder

    so I was all happy doing the new HA dailies for 14 xp per HA thinking it was awesome. Then they did a patch and now I am getting 7%, the exact amount you would get if it was NOT a daily HA.... so what happened?
  2. Crystilla Augur

    Did your HA daily actually expire (aka go past the 42 hour time window you had to complete it)?
  3. demoria7 Elder

    I thought it said it was at 17 hours when I started. I But i am a blond elf so it may have said 17 min Will try another one next weekend and see. I work full time and raid, its hard finding time to do them.
  4. Wiseeliza New Member

    Sorry if this is obvious, but the AA gain for the HA Dailies is reported in two sections. First the "Daily" part, then the regular HA part. Could you have missed the first report?