
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Clon McCragg, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Clon McCragg New Member

    Where can I find a list of existing guilds on Bristlebane? or other servers for that matter?
  2. TSR-SeanF Augur

    Unfortunately we do not have a list of guilds available on our official site. However there are some sites out there ( such as this one ) which have some comprehensive lists of guilds. You may also want to check here on the forums for more information about the guilds specifically on your server.
  3. Dre. Altoholic

    Takes all styles/levels = The Dark Reign
    Light raiding/semi casual = Jaggedpine Defender, Gathered Might
    Moar srs raiding = Sol Invictus, Legion of Valor, Ring of Valor, Fu World Order

    Those are the big ones. Check the boards in Guild Lobby for others recruiting.
  4. Danille Augur

  5. Elricvonclief Augur

    Aye, as others have said, check the boards in the 4 corners of the guild lobby. Right click on them, and it will list the currently recruiting guilds.

    Alternatively, there is a second guild that you can make a post on stating that you are looking for a guild.
  6. Trajet D'Or Augur


    Filter by guild to exclude or include, lists every guild on your server.