Guild Tools

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fendy, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Fendy Augur

    I would like to see the current guild tools expanded a bit to make them more useful. I'm assuming that some of this information is already in the databases, it's just not currently being displayed. In the guild management window I'd like to see fields added to show the date a member joined the guild. The member's race. The member's AFK status. We have public and personal notes. I'd like to see officer notes. A place where officers can post private comments about members. Warnings given, changes to probationary status etc. In the access tab add Real Estate: Pack Plot. This will allow the guild leader and officers if given permission the ability to pack up the neighborhood plot of a member who's left the guild and send the contents to them. In guild neighborhoods on the plot pedestal add a button [pack plot] where guild leaders and selected officers can use the ability granted by the change to the access tab.

    A more difficult change. Allow ex members names to remain in the guild management window. Grey them out and list the date they left. The officer notes in this case can be used to show why the member left. Departed without giving a reason, requested moving an alt, booted for cause (listing the cause and whether or not they would be welcome back). roster purge due to extended absence from the game, etc.

    Yes I know much of this info can be manually tracked via guild websites. I just think it would be helpful if the in game tools could support it.
  2. Elricvonclief Augur

    Those sound like great changes Fendy, would love to see them implemented.

    Especially more notes for current folks!
  3. Fendy Augur

    Happy Birthday Elric. /snicker. Are you stalking my posts?
  4. Elricvonclief Augur

  5. Whiteviperx New Member

    The following is a list of additional features I would like to see added to the Guild Management Window:

    Send a Tell to a player
    Send a Tell to a group of players
    Send a Group Invite to player
    Send an In-Game Email to player
    Show the alternates that each main character has in common
    Time zone for a player
    See which players are grouped together
    See who is the leader of each group
    Discord channel in the information tab
    Players username on Discord
    See what a players trade skill levels are at

  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd love a way to hide off line chars, in trader mode.
    PathToEternity likes this.
  7. Whiteviperx New Member

    This thread was inactive for 2550 days before I brought it back to life.. At least the 1 person who has replied so far is a very active user and didn't disagree with my ideas...