Guild Name availability on Lockjaw

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hendar2, May 27, 2015.

  1. Hendar2 Augur

    Could we please get some automated solution which allows us to take our guild names to Lockjaw without petition?

    A solution now could be less work than sifting through the petition queue once Lockjaw goes live.
  2. Potsos76 Augur

    I don't know, but I bet a few people try getting the name "Twisted Legacy" right as they log in for the 1st time. ;)
  3. Hendar2 Augur

    It doesn't matter what people try. Guild names are tied to the account which originally created them. And then the name is only allowed to be reused via petition. Alt-G won't work. Any account other than the original will not have their petition processed.

    I am not worried about losing a guild name. I would like to avoid the delay waiting on the petitions. A manual solution is a pain for all involved.
  4. Silv Augur

    Just disband the guild on Ragefire and have someone remake it on Lockjaw. There is an extremely small transition time to be able to recreate. Like... Minutes usually. No need to petition...