Guild Management issues

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xianzu_Monk_Tunare, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Well it's been about 8 months since the policy change that made it so the GMs will no long involve themselves in anyway in guild administration, along with the infamously stupid line saying to go make a new guild; like we can just magically move all the characters in guild A to guild B.

    After that statement some of us expected there to be implemented some way for guild leaders to be given the ability to promote up to 2 other people to be co-guild leaders (for a total of 3 guild leaders) as well as a way for active senior officers and officers to vote someone to be promoted to guild leader or senior officer in the instance of an AWOL guild leader (or guild leader and senior officers).

    While I can see the second one taking a long time to implement I don't see why guild leaders have not been given the ability to promote senior officers to co-leaders? It wouldn't hurt anything in the game and would greatly reduce the possibility that a guild leader will just up and disappear leaving the guild bank unmanageable.

    That said, it was the ability for officers and senior officers to vote to promote one of their rank to guild leader that made me revisit this topic. It is that a person on my server is in a guild which somehow has no guild leader. And as such the access which is initially limited to only the guild leader cannot be changed to allow anyone else to do it. Having a way to vote up a leader and/or senior officer from within the active members in that rank would be nice. Additionally, having the ability to create multiple guild leaders would likely have prevented this from happening to begin with.
    Khat_Nip and Agrippa like this.