Guest Raiding: The good, the bad, the ugly.

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Roxxanna, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. bigpapa Augur


    well roxx , you got legs from cotf 2 ( 8-23-2015 ) . for 100 dkp
    - boots from cotf 2 ( 8-16-2015) for 500 dkp
    - bracer from cotf 1 ( 8-16-2015 ) for 100 dkp
    -tds spell median for 100 dkp ( 7-26-2015 )
    -tds spell minor for 100 dkp ( 7-23-2015 )

    since that guild didn't beat tds 4 and 5 yet , it might take some times to be able to get tds armors for decent dkp....
  2. Roxxanna Augur

    Never said anything about cost. Cost doesn't bother me, I could be forced to pay double, even triple what others pay, at least I'd have a goal to work towards. It's about not even getting to bid on certain things. About sitting there waiting for bidding to start on something I'm interested in, and 10 mins later it's announced that so and so won, and I never even saw a bid, because it was done in guild chat, which I can't see. It's happened more than once. I'm not sure why you listed things I've bought, yes, I got a couple of last expansions drops sorta cheap. Perhaps you wish to call me out as a whiner. So be it, I'm a whiner. Good luck to you guys.
  3. Crystilla Augur

    Was there issues with chat channels that night?
    Were people going link dead?
    Was it a first time slip or new person calling loot on that particular item?

    I've seen all of these cause a loot call to be done differently than normal. Just thinking on the devil's advocate side as to what might have happened that wasn't a direct slight.
  4. Roxxanna Augur

    No technical issues that night.

    Different drops are handles in special chat channels, vis, non vis, weapon, etc.
    Spell drop were done in guild chat, but changed it to raid chat when I started raiding with them, so guests could see.
    First event: All spell drops were done in raid chat.
    Second event: Glowing was done in guild chat (which I can't see) the others were done in raid chat.

    Possible oversight, yes, but my gut says no.
    At this point it doesn't matter, I'm frustrated, and I'm not even completely sure what I'm frustrated about, this was just an ignition source.
    It's just time for me to move on.
    Best of luck to them, and thanks for the opportunity to get my boots, I needed those.
    Brohg likes this.
  5. Lianeb Augur

    Rox Hit me up in game.
    Normally our guild does not invite guests and we do not have a guest raid policy. We just got our first win on Arx 5 last night but I may be able to swing something like you said in a earlier thread and try to help you at least get an Arx 5 win to be able to buy the spell runes.

    Granted it was a first win last night so winning again the second may still be rough around the edges.
  6. Roxxanna Augur

    That would be much appreciated, I've been saving all my crystals in hope of just buying them.
  7. Narye Augur

    Roxxanna, shoot me a tell in game
  8. Roxxanna Augur

    Crystilla, you called it, accidental boo boo.

    I think I need my own personal Crystilla pet to follow me around, smack me in the back of the head, and tell me to relax. Do they sell those in the marketplace?
  9. Lianeb Augur

    Glad to hear it all worked out.
  10. Roxxanna Augur

    You're offer was very generous, and I'd still like to take you up on it, if for no other reason then to just raid with you guys once. But if not,I thank you for your very kind offer anyway.
  11. Lianeb Augur

    Sunday 8PM est.
    We go each night to Weds or till all is cleared
  12. Crystilla Augur

    Haha, for the price of a transfer token then do *grins*. :)
  13. LS_Xegony_Dru Elder


    I occasionally guest raid on open raids with one of my boxes (not my main) on the Xegony server. These guilds roll for loot, which means that DKP is not an issue.

    But one benefit of guesting is that you are getting raid flags, unlocking vendor raid gear and raid coins for your participation. It is more of a long game but overtime, you can buy gear from the raid vendor.
  14. Roxxanna Augur

    Aye, agreed, though I wish the raid coin was a bit more, as it takes a LONG time to gear this way. I haven't even started the process of TDS gear. The first time I saw a cleric MGB rk3 Cert for everone in the lobby, I wanted to be that cleric. But just before I got to that, the expansion came out and I had to start the chase over again for Surety. But I got flagged, and bought my rk3 105's so now the pressures off and I can just relax and do my job. My main problem with coin is finally getting close to buying something and the raid force moves on ( I really wanted that Shield of Immaculate Light ).