Group Members of same level not getting same exp.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Tkara Mia, Aug 12, 2023.

  1. Tkara Mia New Member

    Group make up -
    109 Wood Elf Warrior, 109 Wood Elf Druid, 109 Iksar Shaman, 109 Iksar Monk - all played on the same computer
    109 Dark Elf Cleric, 109 Dark Elf Enchanter - both played on same computer.
    The 4 toons (warrior/druid/shaman,monk) are all getting the same amount of xp, which is approximately 1.75 the amount of the other 2 (cleric/enchanter), which are both getting the same amount. None have the RAF bonus. All are running the same xp modifier. All are in the same fellowship, but none are sharing xp. It doesn't matter which zone, or who is pulling, whether the chanter, warrior or monk. Warrior almost always does first damage. All of them are running 100% regular xp, so no AA xp curve. The group plays on the Test server, and this has been going on since before the last patch. The zones that have been tested are Valley of Lunyan, Sarith, City of Tides, Brother Island, Frontier Mountains (EoK), and Lceanium.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    You've outleveled all those zones, at least by the EQ dev rules. So there will be an xp penalty. And you're at least nominally aware of the pulling "bonus" (non-penalty). There are no more racial bonuses.

    We know there's weird stuff that happens when folks are xping in lower than current zones. But no one has actually posted real data that I've seen, just generalities.

    If you really want to post some useful data, pick one toon to pull/first damage ... and ignore that toon. Then write down the starting xp for each of the other toons, list what zone and mob killed, then the finished xp for each toon (again, ignoring the puller/first damage toon). And do this for say ... 10 mobs.

    It's not that I doubt you at all. But without actual data, that others can try to replicate, it's probably not going to go anywhere ... at least it hasn't so far.
    Tkara Mia likes this.
  3. Tkara Mia New Member

    Thanks for the reply. I’ll post my data tomorrow, once I’ve had some sleep.

    So it seems that I have insufficient privileges to reply to make a new reply to this thread, so I will edit my last reply with the data that I collected today:

    Grouping in Lceanium. All level 109. Warrior was pulling. Druid, shaman and monk are all on the same computer as warrior.
    Beginning xp:
    Druid - 27.425
    Shaman - 28.029
    Monk - 31.848
    Cleric and Enchanter are on another computer.
    Beginning xp:
    Cleric - 29.667
    Enchanter - 27.991

    10 kills all Drolvarg growlers. XP per kill in parenthesis with the first number the xp for the druid/shaman/monk.
    4 x 104 (0.136/0.085)
    3 x 105 (0.148/0.092)
    2 x 106 (0.159/0.1)
    1 x 107 (0.171/0.107)

    Ending xp:
    Druid - 28.930
    Shaman - 29.507
    Monk - 33.325
    Cleric - 30.590
    Enchanter - 28.914

    To note, warrior did not get any bonus for pulling. He received the same xp per kill as the others on his computer.
    Zkara likes this.
  4. Warrik Silverleaf New Member

    And since Tkara can't reply to this thread today, I'll make a note as well. We took the druid off of the computer with the warrior and did one kill with it logged in on the cleric's computer, just to see if it was somehow related to the computers (crazy I know). The druid still received the same xp as the warrior/monk/shaman.
  5. Allayna Augur

    Despite what DPG says, there are most definitely racial penalties/bonus'.
  6. GNOME_POWER Augur

    Do you have additional "ADVENTURER" benefits?