Group Augs from the Degmar adventure merchant

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gribble Nobblegobber, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Gribble Nobblegobber New Member

    It almost seems like an extra '0' was inadvertently added to the cost of the group level Augments purchasable from the Degmar adventure merchant. The cost of items from the Adventure merchant in Tempest Temple is 140ish. The merchant in Degmar's is selling items for 3400ish. Just seems abnormally high priced. Is that intended ?
  2. Riou EQResource

    Yes, those are Tier 3 items
  3. silku Augur

    considering there are missions that give 300+ pieces of 8, 3400ish isn't soo unobtainable.
  4. Gribble Nobblegobber New Member

    I understand that this is a Tier 3 zone and have no issue with the Highwater armor being priced accordingly. However, 3400 for a single augment of group quality is prohibitively steep. Other vendors seem to scale on the pricing between the Armor items (top priced) and the Augments (lesser price). I guess that is what caught my eye and led me to question whether something is accidentally awry with *all* items being expensive.Or to put it another 11 Missions justifiable for a single augment ?
  5. Savager Augur

    Everything seems to be more expensive this expansion. Probably because they want it to last for another 10 months.
  6. Silentchaos Augur

    Grinding = content bro.
  7. Crystilla Augur

    Augments aren't replaced in a year like gear is, therefore it doesn't bother me for an augment (that has better value than gear frankly) takes 11 group missions to obtain.
  8. Maeryn Augur

    Sparkbinder's Drape Armor ID: 140933 - 3570 Pieces of Eight
    AC: 148 HP: 2775 MANA: 3066 END: 2775
    STA: +12 STR/WIS/DEX: +8 INT: +14 AGI: +11
    Avoidance: 5 Accuracy: 5 Heal Amount: 17 Spell Dmg: 33
    Focus Effect: Detrimental Mana Pres 17 L105 - Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 17%
    Click Effect: Myrmidon's Skill VIII Casting Time: 0.5s - Increase Chance to Dodge by 14%

    Cowl of Capacity Armor ID: 98798 - 1056 Marks of Valor
    AC: 130 HP: 2497 MANA: 2759 END: 2497
    STA: +11 STR/WIS/DEX: +7 INT: +12 AGI: +10
    Avoidance: 5 Accuracy: 5 Heal Amount: 15 Spell Dmg: 30
    Focus Effect: Detrimental Mana Pres 17 L103 - Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 17%
    Click Effect: Myrmidon's Skill VIII Casting Time: 0.5s - Increase Chance to Dodge by 14%

    AC: 18 HP: 278 MANA: 307 END: 278
    INT: +2 Others: +1
    Heal: 2 SplDmg 3

    Let alone focus and/or click improvement that sometimes occurs.

    Aug upgrades are laughably small in comparison and are just something to get once you have nothing else to spend your Pieces of Eight on.
  9. Crystilla Augur

    Think I was misunderstood. You are going to replace that sparkbinder's drape in the next expansion but you won't replace a TDS aug that you purchased off the vendor in next year's expansion. Augs have a longer life for wearing is what I meant and what I said.
    Pwnography likes this.
  10. Maeryn Augur

    Azurlight Stone Aug: 7 8 ID: 140990 - 3570 Pieces of Eight
    HP: 290 MANA: 205 END: 205 STA: +8

    Algid Ice Cube Aug: 7 8 ID: 110265 - 560 Brellium
    HP: 120 MANA: 120 END: 120 STA: +5

    HP: 170 MANA: 85 END: 85 STA: +3

    Sure it lasts longer, but even replacing a vendor bought 5 expansion old aug it's a much smaller upgrade than even upgrading one expansion old worn gear. In terms of time vs reward augs "should" be cheaper.
  11. Fyrerock Augur

    that is the problem with this expansion, the stat increase in loot is not worth the vast time investment. I been wondering how many people are sitting out this expansion just for that reason.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  12. Noirfu Augur

    Normally, this time of year I'd be farming gear for my non-raid accounts. That's far too big of a time sink this year so instead I've been doing other stuff. I have completed Assassin's Creed Unity and I'm 99.6% on Far Cry 4, both of which came out after TeDiouS. My accounts were L105 and Arx Flagged in about 1.5 weeks but gearing is ridiculous and really not worth the time investment. Hopefully next year will be better.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  13. Betenoire Elder

    I have to agree, as I came through Degmar in progression, I looked at this vendor to see what it offered, and 3.5k PoE is absurd imo. This, along with mob hps, timers etc, serve to do nothing other than discourage people to even care about the upgrade. Sure, will they buy a few pieces from what they acquire playing with their friends? Of course. Just the rest of the time their friends aren't on, they will go do something else. You guys seem to want to force us all into this expansion, but so far seem to give very little incentive to do so. A few dropped/quested augments and new powersorces (which imo were also done horribly), none of which are necessary to play. CotF group vendor gear was what, 960-1056? That's an awful lot of inflation, did you guys hire Putin?
  14. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Also agreed. Time vs reward just does not cut it for this expansion's group content.
    This is costing SOE a fortune in extra box account purchases.
    Something has to give here - or EQ will be in yet a worse position in marketing forward from here.
    This whole thing is like watching the Sears/K-Mart saga unfold. And sad really.