Griklor the Restless targeting in the mission

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Duder, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. Duder Augur

    In the group mission, (have not tried in raid), Griklor the Restless targets via F7 (Target Nearest Player) while he is on his mount. While he is off his mount he targets normally with F8 (Target Nearest NPC)
    Moege likes this.
  2. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Any more tips on this mission? Tried it with a friend that was 3 boxing and failed. Is it a mission that just does not lend itself to being boxed?
  3. Blastoff Augur

    This mission is easy, if you're struggling just don't do the mechanic to bring him down off of his mount until you have all the adds cleared.
  4. Cloud the Third Augur

    Confused what is the bug here?
  5. Duder Augur

    That a target is acquired with the nearest player function when he is mounted rather than the target nearest npc function.
  6. Cloud the Third Augur

    I didn't even know that key existed do people really use it? Is this really even causing a problem for you?
  7. Duder Augur

    Not for me it doesn't. But for everyone I hear say that they can't target him, now we know why ;)
    svann and Yinla like this.