Greenmist - Glowing Golem

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Hothbra, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. Hothbra Journeyman

    Question, is the quest to spawn the glowing golem repeatable? If you fail to kill the golem, can you collect the Histories and do the turn-ins again? (Most EQ quests are repeatable yes?)
    And if so..
    Couldn't you just the piece again and again?

    I want to spawn him, but I don't want to risk failing and being sol as an SK.
  2. Hegsheoshed Augur

    By the time you get enough faction to do any turn ins with Librarian Zimor it won't matter what the faction hit is for turning in the Chunk of Tynnonium, it won't matter what the faction hit is from this hand in.