Gortar was wrong

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gortar, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Brosa Augur

    I didn't realize Beast Lord tanking was a big mystery to you ....or maybe others. I tanked CotF on my Bst just fine tonight.
  2. Enkel Augur

    BL tanking is not a mystery, some people just like to make statements as though they're fact without knowing what they're talking about.
    Iila and Edrick like this.
  3. silku Augur

    I've always assumed beastlord tanking meant the beastlord was just standing back watching his pet whack at it.
  4. Brosa Augur

    When people refer to "mage pet tanking" they don't say "mage tanking" ;)
    Although BL pets are far superior tanks to their masters....and mercs or some RL tanks
  5. Malachi Augur

    Same here. This seemed to be all common knowledge in my experiences. (To those familiar with the class I suppose)
  6. Sinestra Augur

    Kudos to Stubar and those others who were willing to supply information and help, that is a rarity on EQ boards.
    Gatash likes this.
  7. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Reading this thread - I realize how very little I know about Beastlords.
    While off to a shaky start at first - there's really good info here.
    Gatash and Sinestra like this.