Give us a merc slot and now its gone ?!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Saave, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Saave Augur

    Yesterday I noticed I had an extra free mercenary slot, Today it is gone ?
    F U!
    Im so fuckin tired of your bull sony!
    your fuckin lame.!
  2. Saave Augur

    You guys are so stupid.. why dont you stick to one game EQ instead of EQ2.. EQ next.. eq this or that.. you dont give a nats what we do. Nerf.. Nerf that.. Nerf this.. take flags and keys away.. progression that took loooooong time to do, every time you do something its lame.
    You got GM's that have no clue what the f they are doing on petitions.
    Takes 5 times to reply to a petition to make them understand what the f .
    So sick of the bs.
    I have never been banned. but ,..I,
  3. Edrick Augur

    Don't you get tired jumping to conclusions so often?
  4. Deckerd Smeckerd Augur

    Saave, please calm down. Think about taking a break from the game if it has really got you feeling so angry.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Caudyr Augur

    Seriously, lol.

    I still have my merc slot, so it's not like they "took them away" or something.
  6. Tobynn Augur

    Always so predictable. The raging-so-hard-I-can-barely-form-a-cohesive-statement threads always pop up on the weekends when people suspect moderation is at its weakest. Enjoy your brief time in the spotlight, and your inevitable vacation from the forums. /mourn
    Gyurika Godofwar and Leerah like this.
  7. Saave Augur

    Edrick, How do I jump to conclusions ? it is a fact. The mercenary slot was replaces as ' Locked ' instead of " Empty " meaning, I would have to purchase an unlock for it.
    Wouldn't you be upset!?

    Caudyr, My merc slot is not your merc slot. It has noting to do with your account.

    Tobynn, you act as if I planned to do this on the weekend where " moderation is at its weakest "

    Just an update, Today, my mercenary slot (5th one ) is now back again." Empty " So, YES they took it away. now it is back.
    Tell me there is not a bug?? I was wrong ? no. Stop trolling.

    Take the kids toy away, and get told off it is your fault ? BS. you guys are idiots.
  8. Tarrin Augur

    There is a difference between taking it away and a bug.

    The extra merc slot has had a visual bug of showing up as <Locked> since it was granted, but you could still hire one regardless.
  9. Fendy Augur

    I have a slightly different issue. My merc slots went from 6 of 6 to 7 of 10 with number 7 being empty and 8, 9 and 10 being locked. Something tells me that the last 3 slots aren't supposed to be there.
  10. Falos Augur

    That happens commonly now if you are in a raid DZ or instance that does not allow mercs, what zone were you in when you experienced this?
  11. Caudyr Augur

    In my case i have 5 mercs, 1 empty slot and 5 locked slots. I think this may have been done so that those who had max merc slots (with any extra slots they already might've had, etc) would still be able to get the free merc slot. Don't quote me on that, though. ^^
  12. Falos Augur

  13. Anex New Member

    I like how despite Caudyr saying NOT to quote him, Falos quoted him xD..

    I couldn't resist -_-

    Also the extra merc slot was just for people who bought CoF, right?
    Caudyr and Falos like this.
  14. Trellium Elder

    I also am confused about what we were supposed to get. I have x of 7 on my accounts which I logged in that day (I think it was just the 12th). It appeared to give an extra potential merc slot, but the number of Empty merc slots didn't change.

    I expected one of my locked slots would become empty so I could use it, but it seems that I just have been permitted to buy more stuff from the store. Not that I think that is an issue, but it is confusing.
  15. JolineSZ Augur

    You are all funny. They took one away? Yesterday I had 1 of 8 today I have 1 of 11.
  16. Tadenea Augur

    had some experience problems yesterday those in raid were missing the slot (locked) those outside raid had the extra slot
  17. Ammeren Augur

    Sounds like a bug, I'm sure they'll fix it.