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GINA triggers for NEC

Discussion in 'Casters' started by donkeydoodler, Apr 8, 2022.

  1. donkeydoodler New Member

    Any of y'all use GINA triggers to display progress bars for dot tracking? If so, how difficult is it to set up?
  2. Szilent Augur

    make a social hotbutton for the /inspectbuffs command

    make a second GINA overlay just for the Dot Timers category


    when you forget where you are in your rotation, hit the /inspectbuffs hotbutton
    Vumad, Phaith, Ravanta Suffer and 4 others like this.
  3. donkeydoodler New Member

    I owe you a beer. Thank you.
  4. Zipe The Healer

    I love that use of TS and inspectbuffs!
    As an added note... Remember that you can bind "inspect buffs" directly to a Key, there is no need to make a clumsy social!
    Keys>Commands>Inspect Buffs

    That also means that you can multibind it with something else to sync it with a specific action. :p
    Szilent and menown like this.
  5. Wulfhere Augur

    What version of GINA does {TS} actually work?

    In Version the dynamic timer duration is always zero.
  6. HowDidIEndUpBackHere Elder

    {TS} displays for me just fine on
  7. Szilent Augur

    probably typo?

    try copy/paste

    --You sense {s1}( Rk\. III?)? \[{C}\] on {s2} has {TS} remaining\.--$
    or send me a tell in game for a quick GINA share
  8. Wulfhere Augur

    It's not the trigger that fails, it's the
    that always returns zero in any trigger. Something must be wrong underneath with Windows 8.1 or .Net 4+ or something.
  9. Wulfhere Augur

    I did some more testing and {TS} is not returning zero. Instead I find that it's not filling in the timer duration at all.

    I made a timer trigger and gave it a 1 minute duration. Saved.
    Matching the trigger resulted in a 1 minute timer.
    I added {TS} to the search text. This switched the timer to dynamic duration.
    Matching the trigger resulted in a 1 minute timer.

    The timer duration is coming from the fixed value (zero is the default) and not the regexp (which is matching).
  10. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    I found the problem.
  11. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    I like this. I'm not sure if I can get used to using it though, the way my messed up brain works with this, I keep wanting to hit the hotkey that triggers it even if I don't need to.

    I like using /inspectbbuffs mine with this. Just for less spam. Not sure if that's a new option, I didn't know about that before.

    I am trying to be able set certain debuffs to be ignored. For example, if you wanted to ignore your debuffs that are not dots it would be nice to be able to have an exclusion set for them.

    I'm not that advanced with regex, but a friend sent me this link that I'm going to peruse later.
    https://regextutorial.org/ The droids I'm looking for might be there.
  12. Szilent Augur

    --You sense (?!Scent|Cascade|Cinch|Tash|Edict|Malos|Virulent){s1}( Rk\. III?)? \[{C}\] on {s2} has {TS} remaining\.--$
    ChiiChii and Ravanta Suffer like this.
  13. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    LOL, that's awesome. So much cleaner than the way I was thinking about doing.
  14. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    If you're an absolute lunatic like I used to be, and you prefer to only have timer bars that show up when a dot has worn off, here is a count-up version. Personally, I don't think using a count-up timer is worth it, but at one point in the game it worked well for me.

    Note: These don't pair well together obviously. The count-up timer is meant to be an automatically activated timer if a dot has worn off. The OP is about a more commonly used count-down timer that is activated on demand using /inspectbuffs.

    The count-up timer method has some flaws obviously, mostly that if you have several dots wearing off at the same time, you will be missing ticks, and if you are multi-dotting mobs with the same name it is absolutely trash...but it might be useful to some.

    Your (?!Scent|Tash|Rot Vulnerability|Pestilent|Greater Immobilize|Immobilize|Petrifying Earth|Instill|Paralyzing Earth){s1}( Rk\. iii?)? spell has worn off of {s2}\.
    End early text:
    ^{S2} has taken {N} damage from your {S1}
    ^{S2} has been slain
    ^{C} tells you, 'clear dot timers'
    ^You have slain {S2}!
  15. HighSpawnRate New Member

    I have been farming DoN raid mobs lately, and there's one that enters into a "vulnerable" state.

    If the dragon is in that vulnerable state their name briefly changes to "Dragon (Vulnerable)" and the trigger picks it up as it being a new mob. Is there a way for the {s2} to be able to ignore that (Vulnerable) text in the mob name?
  16. Szilent Augur

    sure. Add ( \(Vulnerable\))? after {s2} ought to do it:
    --You sense (?!Scent|Cascade|Cinch|Tash|Edict|Malos|Virulent){s1}( Rk\. III?)? \[{C}\] on {s2}( \(Vulnerable\))? has {TS} remaining\.--$
    presented without warrantee, I ain't running out there to check it
  17. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    I tried this syntax on Ayonae Ro tonight and it didn't work the way I had hoped.

    --You sense (?!Scent|Tash|Rot Vulnerability|Pestilent){s1}( Rk\. III?)? \[{C}\] on {s2}( \(Vulnerable\))? has {TS} remaining\.--$
    It looks like it should work, but it still results in outputting a new countdown timer for Ayonae Ro (Vulnerable) if you hit it when you already have a timer running for just Ayonae Ro. I'm going to mess with it this weekend to try and get it to work.
  18. Szilent Augur

    is there not a space between her name and the parenthetical, in game? that's what I'd check, if I had relevant log files
  19. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    There is.
    --You sense Dread Pyre [Ravanta] on Ayonae Ro has 00:00:42 remaining.--
    --You sense Dread Pyre [Ravanta] on Ayonae Ro (Vulnerable) has 00:00:36 remaining.--

    I give up though. I can't figure out how to make it work even if part of the target name I am wanting to exclude is not in ( ) which would normally be recognized by gina as a group hence the \ exclusion but if this is possible, I can't figure out how.
  20. Froglok_Shaman New Member

    This was a great find. Thank you!