Gigantic Teir-Dal Tome of Malevolant Justification by Neko Zero

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vlad Diszno, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. Vlad Diszno Augur

    Whew, that Marketplace item is a mouthful to say.

    I just bought one from Marketplace this last week because I finally had a theme that it fit in. Not being able to think of another item in game that would work as well in my plot, I spent that DBC most ungrudgingly.

    I don't know if it was a big seller, but I'm sure glad it wasn't vaulted. One never knows when inspiration will come (just before Halloween on this one for me) and make a Marketplace purchase for a needed item. Would have stunk to have to have waited till who-knows-when, if that day ever even arrives, to buy a needed item. If you don't regularly check what happens to be back on the shelves of Marketplace, there is also a chance of missing the opportunity to buy said item if it does reappear.
    That impediment to the creative process is why I don't care for vaulting and rotating items.

    Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone has any place I could visit that has one of these as part of their decor. I'd be happy to visit. It would give me more things to do in-game now that I'm not hunting till I can get some kind of exp again. Just not feeling it for exping the alts.

    And if anyone is interested, I'll give my yard's address:
    Colonial Island
    101 Park Circle
    owner: Svengoolie

    Under the old owner, it used to be a graveyard only. Luckily, Svengoolie had more ambitious ideas.