GF first MMO and Our trio.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Faelim, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Faelim Lorekeeper

    Hey guys, so when telling my girlfriend that I"m going to play EverQuest again she wants to learn to play MMO's! This will be her first MMO, she's very excited. She's going to play a Magician or Necromancer, she can't decide yet. I'm going to play my 65 berserker when we catch him eventually and I also going to have a bot. I can't decide between enc or bard. Keep in mind we will have mercs for healing and tanking. Which do you think would increase are overall dps/efficiency? A bard or enc to go with our group! And why! Thanks!
  2. jarsh92 Elder

    I would say go with the bard. First off, its the easiest class to box. I hate saying that as my bard is my main, but its the honest truth. I run a 4 bot group. bard, 2 mag, and a wizzy. Just 1 J5 healer merc (cause I am lazy). I pull with the bard to group, send in all pets (wizzy has sword pet), start melody if not already running, then switch to wizzy and start nuking.

    Bards bring a lot to the table as an enchanter would, but having selos makes it very nice for getting around to places. Especially if you don't have a porter.

    Chanters are very powerful, but I hear they take more focus to get any real use out of them. I have only gotten my chanter up to about lvl 60 boxing, but I was just using it as a buff box. Unless you are going to focus on it, thats what it will probably end up as.