Get rid of "OLD/LOW" No-Drop/Attunable Flags Please

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Coruth, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Coruth Augur

    If you set it by expansions: anything more than say 3: Which would be House of Thule
    If you set it by Levels: Anything 85 or Lower.

    So either way ATM House of Thule and earlier.

    Why? Because I miss the days of twinking and with heroic chars it would be fun. Stuff that old wouldnt impact the current game as even raid gear 3 expansions old gets replaces by group gear. As does 15 level old gear.

    You could set it as an automated script to remove those flags each time you add expansion or up the level cap (whichever way you do it).

    This might have the bonus of putting some more fun into Bazaar + Stimulating Heroic Char sales.
  2. Oscarmw New Member

    Or you could just spend 2500sc and move to FV. All your dreams will come true!!
    Fenthen, Gyurika Godofwar and Axxius like this.
  3. Coruth Augur

    Except not only wouldnt that move my guild or friends.... It isn't even what I am talking about.

    I'm old enough that I remember things like putting a Cloak of Flames on a level 30 char. Or starting at level 10 with Golden Efreeti Boots. Short Swords of Ys. And more. That was fun twinking toons out and messing around with content at a level with gear at a level beyond what I had the first time I did the content.

    Heroic Toons to me, are the new twink fodder. Being able to twink them more would make the game more fun
    Dregostyr likes this.
  4. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    Actually that's exactly what you're referring to because on FV almost everything is tradeable with a few exceptions such as epic pieces & epics, certain quest items & of course LoN & SC items themselves.
  5. SpamFactory Augur

    there are disadvantages to playing on FV (no transfers off) and the biggest draw of the server is the lack of no trade items, so this idea would not be fair to those who play on FV.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    At most I might see a justification for making some of the old No drop items Attuneable (the groupable named drops), but beyond that it is just a case of someone whining because either they want to twink but doesn't want to have to run the twink to loot everything or they want to be able to sell a bunch of old no drop gear they have and can easily refarm.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Nah, they would still have access to the items in no drop form for a few years before other servers got it. Not that I am for this idea just pointing out that it still leave FV with the dropable item advantage.
  8. Kolani Augur

    To be perfectly honest, and I'm saying this as a day one FVer, you don't want this. I just did shadowknight 1.5 over the weekend, and ended up paying way too much in the Bazaar for the gloom nightmare hide since there's someone at the camp 24/7.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  9. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I think they should lower the cost of "Urthorn's Ultimate Unattuner" from 436 loyalty points to half or a quarter of that. So there is still some penalty but a bit more feasible to re-gear.
  10. Coruth Augur

    Another interesting twist would be to make an Urthorns than stripped No Drop Tag but make it enough loyalty to only be used rarely. 872 points would add a small trickle of stuff, without going full FV rules.

    My original point though was there a difference between Full No-Drop Removal ala FV and No-Drop Removal of outdated content for twinking etc. I'm looking more for the later.

    As for the bigger one, I honestly wonder whether there wouldnt be polls and more servers that would take FV rules. They didnt exist when I started playing, and the whole "just move to FV" neglects the "MM" part of MMORPHS the massive multiplayer relationships are for many greater than Rule Preference.
  11. Drusi Augur

    Kolani, strange that you had someone camping gloom nightmares non stop unless they were a SK themselves or had a bizarre desire to corner a market on gloom nightmares. I think I saw someone selling hides for 19k in the bazaar which seemed high, but not really that ridiculous. SKs doing epics are not that numerous these days.

    I did SK 1.5 and 2.0 about a month ago on FV and had no problems whatsoever in PON took two clears of the horsies and not a soul in the zone.

    In fact you can save a ton of time playing on FV as most quest pieces are cheap enough. I paid 2k for the Fear drop only to misplace it and ended up getting it from Fear myself. Heck even one of the supposedly heavily camped golems was up.

    The worst seems to be Lhranc's bracer as there are people asking 50k to 500k for it. Balking at that price, it only took 90mins in the Howling Stones to obtain one.

    TL;DR: there is no quest spawn monopolization on FV unless there is something else valuable on the mob
  12. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    An item that removes No Drop tags would require that every single item which has a no drop tag to be duplicated; not something that they are going to do.

    The difference between FV and what you are saying is minimal. If you want to twink your toons, take them to the place and have them loot the no drop items. It isn't that hard; if they are not high enough level to enter the zone then they are not high enough level to have those items.

    The FV No Drop rule would no where near as widely desired as you think. There are reasons why items are no drop; removing that would not only change the server economies over night but also further hurt the mid-range raiding side of the game and the high end grouping game. It would also lead to the requirement that everyone have that gear because over time their will be so much of the raid gear out there that the Dev's will tune the game around players having it, even if you won't pay crazy amounts for it.
    Yinla and feiddan like this.
  13. Coruth Augur

    I guess that depends on how FV really works. There are still a few no drop items on FV right?
    So does it code the whole server to remove tag, or the reality is that work is already done.
    Im not a programmer, but its a good question. I always assumed they already did that for FV

    In which case, if you made the loyalty points high enough, your not talking a mad rush, and much different than Legatus, Centurio, and other one, dropping now.

    You might be right on desire level. You might be wrong. I've always been curious why they didnt use thier in game polls to ASK.

    I doubt that you would tune the game differently, they don't tune FV differently.
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    If your proposals are truly that radical with little room to wiggle; you need to move to FV. I can see where you want to unattune old gear and use it on other characters (i.e. suggestion of lowering cost on Urthorn's Ultimate Unattuner). Otherwise, this is another "Make EQ in my image" post and should no longer be bumped.
  15. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    There are two types of no Drop. No drop and FV No drop. Very very few items are FV No Drop; mostly items for things along the line of the Epic 1.5/2.0 quest and later quest achieved high end items (generally ones which require a raid to complete). On FV, the server ignores the normal No Drop and only pays attention to the FV No Drop tags.

    What does loyalty points have to do with anything as well as the extremely rare Legatus/Centurio type items? I have yet to see any of them drop. Where I know that a large amount of Raid items drop every day and could quickly be put out to be sold. Or do you mean your no drop remover thing? If that is the case they cannot remove tags only add them to items. Now a special hidden aug slot which would allow you to make an item Heirloom is about the best you could do, but nothing which would allow you to trade it to other players or accounts.

    They don't ask because they have not intention of doing something that would entirely wreck the existing servers. A change like this would undermine all raid guilds and groups as well as destroy most of the existing economies. Also, when the topic has came up in the past the majority of the people who have spoken on it have strongly opposed adding it to more than just FV.

    Also the reason why they don't tune FV differently, is that the can't. Remember when the original Progression servers were added and they changed the low level mobs on all servers just so that the two progression servers were more like back in the day. That is what it would be like if they tuned things with FV in mind. They cannot tune things to be one difficulty on server A and another difficulty on server B. The game over time would end up being tuned assuming that everyone is wearing semi current raid gear.
  16. Kolani Augur

    I think there's a myth here, at least judging from Coruth's post, that everyone on FV is uber geared. Yes, there are some very well equipped people on FV who don't raid. There are more people on FV that aren't uber geared in more than one or two slots. According to Magelo, I'm #28 on server with 15/21 slots that aren't even max group loot, and most of the 28 above me are actual, full time raiders. I've always put in an effort to keep myself in raid weapons, and I've acquired a few other pieces recently helping out other folks with various things. The overhaste over 8% and 2.0 page markets are very lucrative on FV if you can find a way to consistently have product available. I still see a lot of people though packing raiding primaries or one slot of armor, with the rest of their visibles two or more expansions behind.

    I realize and respect how much my weapons help over the average set of group weapons, and I always make a point to obtain and use group weaponry at some point in each expansion cycle to be cognizant of what the average group player is working with. There are some people on server who even make a point of not using Bazaar obtainable gear.

    Tuning FV differently would benefit exactly no one.