Geoxle hunter named appears bugged (not spawning)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Smoothie, May 9, 2024.

  1. Smoothie New Member

    We believe the named mob in Darklight Caverns is bugged. We camped this name for 8 hours total over 3 days (2 days during the 50 percent bonus for named spawns and tonight) and it has yet to spawn. I believe it is something worth looking into. I understand that it is random when the name pops but this seems off. I asked if anyone had killed it lately but no one has confirmed. This is on Tunare server. Thanks.
  2. Raccoo Augur

    04/30/24 05:55:10 PM You have slain Geoxyle!

    Killed it during the Bonus. iirc it respawned also. This was on Cazic server.
  3. Petalonyx Augur

    Keeping all PH down constantly, i think the average for me has been about 3 hours on that named. He's pretty rare. Not unthinkable for it to be 8+ hours, especially if not all PH are down constantly.
  4. Smoothie New Member

    Tunare Server: OK. We waited until the patch on 5/15/24 to see if that will help with resetting the named spawn. We cleared all mobs for 2 and a half hours but still no spawn of Geoxyle in Darklight Caverns. Yes, the random number generator restarts again but we have not had this hard of a time spawning any names. Can someone take a look into this named? If shouldn't be hard to see if it popped or is bugged in your system. Thanks.