General chat spam

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bigstomp, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    ^This is why DB ignores stuff. People complain about things which are not spam, but someone talking. Sum doesn't spam general, he just talks in it a lot. Others get on various topics he talks about what he knows or thinks. He's hardly spam. You cannot really say anything he says is delusional, if he grew up where he said he did then it is perfectly reasonable for him to know celebrities; most of the conspiracy stuff he says is just the normal conspiracy stuff that goes around. I've never seen Sum use vulgarity, at least anymore than anyone else in general chat.
    svann likes this.
  2. Paralyze Journeyman

    Man it's been 2+ years since I've been on Tunare and I still remember that guy. If you think it's not spam, then it's pretty close to the border... As someone else said though, he's probably just an old dude going senile.
  3. WorriedinNorrath Elder

    His spam has been some of the nastiest filth I've ever seen in chat. Perhaps you were not online at the time?
    Most of the problem is the Tunare community won't report his shenanigans or call him out. They are too worried about looking like a bad guy.
  4. karmalious Lorekeeper

    I doubt its fear of looking like a bad guy.... Most just use the ignore command and move on.
  5. Nandary Griefs Lorekeeper

    Do I have to come over there?
  6. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Yeah, it's pretty sad when people have to resort to a string of badly named alts just to try for attention.

    On the plus side, and I can't believe I'm saying it, at least our Drinal troll doesn't spout racism/politics/sexism or pure hate, for the most part. Annoyance at a rear-end-hurt, anti-your-guild/server-agenda seems slightly less crappy than what these other guys are saying they're stuck with.
    Sindaiann likes this.