QA In Progress Gap between subscription renewals

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Antasirras, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. Antasirras New Member

    Category: Other [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Mon Oct 31 20:09:30 2022

    Character: Level 120 Necromancer (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Knowledge
    Location: -344.94, 828.06, -90.37, 222.29

    Description: Subscriptions do not renew the day they're supposed to. As it stands, I don't have access to my last two bags because the game thinks I'm not subscribed, so I've lost the Merchant perk for the day. It's been doing this for a while now. Likewise, where I should be able to claim my DB cash today, it's telling me to add time so I can get it, when the subscription should've just renewed automatically.
    Tropi, Koredan, Aanuvane and 2 others like this.
  2. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    This happens to me once every 3 months. I hope they fix this.
  3. Aanuvane Augur

    I have been having similar issues - in my experience it isn't that subscriptions aren't renewing - but that the timing between the expiration of perks and the timing of the subscription renewals. My subs look like they are renewing some time in the afternoon/evening, but I lose access to perks much earlier - like just after midnight. That then leaves me with hours of no purchased bonuses until after my subscription renews hours later. If this is indeed what's happening - I appreciate their precision on the subscription renewal timing - but they need to sync the purchased perks to the same time.
  4. Ruabain The Mighty! New Member

    Lost access to the merchant perk I purchased a few days ago. I'm guessing it's the timing issue discussed here. Seems the fix is I have to wait for back end processes to sync up.
  5. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Your right, I think this is what is happening.

    Cause other things in the game, like Loyalty Points do not process until noon. And my monthly claim never happens before 8 am so I know its not processing at midnight.

    And then throw in the fact that all these time periods might be in PST
  6. Ratalthor Developer

    Can anyone affected please PM me your account name and when you observed the issue?
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Every time I observed this happening in the past it was while my account had a card on file, and the account glitched from some card processing error on the back-end leaving me having to swap from the card to a different payment method in order to fix it because removing & resubmitting the same card would not fix it.
  8. Leorium The Fluffy Wolf

    Happens ever subscription renewal. I have to log in and out to gain access to bag slots, delevel protection and etc.

    It really sucks if the subscription renews while playing and I lose perk access without even knowing. Then I die and delevel even though I have the perks purchased.
  9. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    So did you pm Ratalthor so he can try and find out more?