Game stutters when NPCs cast <Center>

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Not_Entelion, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. Kiani Augur

    It does sound like it's down to the spell name, though.

    Maybe the quick and easy solution is to rename the spell. How about "Magnanimity". :)
  2. Rhodz Augur

    Always wondered about this, now there is even a test to see if it affects your system.

    Good work
  3. Karmana New Member


    I am getting this stuttering in Felwith and other places. It does seem to happen in time with NPCs casting this. Can this be looked into?
  4. HoodenShuklak Augur

    This feature is Classic as Blackburrow trains.

    Please move to resolved.
  5. Febb Augur

    This has to do with some sort of program that is scanning your text files for html tags in them <center>. I would start with windows defender and add the everquest folder as an exclusion.
  6. That One Guy Augur

    I vote to rename the spell to Scenter to clear up all these issues.
  7. HoodenShuklak Augur

    How about "Middle"?
  8. Adonhiram Augur

    Yes, this is the most classical bug ever, geez, I remember may 2000 as a fresh born Erudite in Erudin Palace, the issue already existed. That's funny, I'd almost request not to fix that bug to preserve a certain EQ style lol...
  9. Numzan Augur

    Solro Temple should take buffing away. After all the NPC buff up it freezes. Then it can stagger to zones like CT, where the same thing can happen. Poorly done zones that need some revamped clearing up. Not sure the revamp if it fixed it or not but in classic its horrible.
  10. qweasy Augur

    Sol ro is fine, as is CT and every other zone. The problem is your computer, not the game. Febb gave the solution to fix it 4 posts up.
  11. Baldur Augur