Game mechanics :)

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Forcer Deathmagi, May 28, 2017.

  1. Forcer Deathmagi Journeyman

    Why not create a portal lets say in pok that ports to a different server BUT is the same type like live for example. Reazon for this is ez grouping and mass players on a server. This idea may bring in 25 percent more people. Reason being for same type is for obvious reasons like exp gains, botting, tlp, etc etc. Just a cool idea were it seems winwin
  2. Leigo You come here often?

    because the servers are not directly linked. when you transfer your character to another sever it is copied and pasted to said server and the old one is deleted.
    while it could be fun to have an option like this it would bring a massive amount of trouble. The main concern being the massive server crashes that would happen with the players on any one sever exceeded the server's ability to keep up.
  3. Forcer Deathmagi Journeyman

    Sounds like an invention that could blossom
  4. Treiln Augur

    Cross server/realm/whatever exists in other games. Most people are not fans. Claiming the cons outweigh the pros
  5. Anhari Augur

    It is physically not feasible at this time. The data for the characters are all in different databases, as well as the physical files that make up your character.

    The quests you have completed, the Achievements, the ranking of your char all make it hard to do x-server play, and from a DEV perspective a complete nightmare! Even the x-server tells have bee hard to maintain, and that's just text. Imagine data!
  6. Forcer Deathmagi Journeyman