FV Server

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by shoehorn, Aug 15, 2022.

  1. shoehorn Journeyman

    I have recently been leveling a 2 box on FV. Really liking the XP bonus. I'm having a cash flow problem though. I think it's due to the faster leveling and the inflation. It's gotten so bad that I couldn't afford my merc. I'm still wearing gloom armor from the tutorial for my level 61 Monk. I pool all my money to help buy Shaman spells. Even then, I can only buy 50% of them.

    I have boat loads of cash on bertox. Seems a little strange
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    You can do the daily hot zones from teek and each of your guys can get one level appropriate armor item. You can sell the ones you don't need to help you get out of the tutorial armor
  3. Koshk Augur

    Your 61 monk, even naked, should be able to farm some lower-level Defiant armor from any zone. It's not ideal armor. But certainly better than Gloomingdeep tutorial stuff!

    Once equipped with that, you should be able to farm the next highest-tier of Defiant. And so on.

    Also, many players just vendor the defiant they loot. Of course, you need plat to buy it...

    ...some old zones like Velks and Siren's Grotto were really great for dropping gems, which can be sold to vendors. I think the TSS zones also had a lot of random drops, that sold for platinum. You could run around for an hour or two, and earn enough to upgrade your armor even further.
  4. shoehorn Journeyman

    That's how I level. Sell the extra gear on bazaar or vendor?
  5. shoehorn Journeyman

    Specific zones for the Defiant armor? I have been fighting stuff for 61 levels. No chest or legs drops.

    I have seen a few pieces of armor on bazaar, but very very expensive. I'm not even close to having enough cash to buy.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    yes to npc unless there is a market on FV for it.

    Makes no sense that your still in tutorial armor if you can do those. They have new armor every 5 levels I think it is and its starts at level 20 so you can get a new belt (with haste). cloak or shoulders as you level.

    When you go to Franklin you can ask for more than one quest so long as its not too far above you. Just get them all at once. Do the ones close to your level, trade the armor around the characters or sell it off.

    The hot zones have special augs in them also.

    This is really the only sure way I know of to get armor at lower level unless you look thru the zones for quests that have armor as a reward. Depending on drops doesn't really work to gear up a group but you can follow the Hero's Journey quests which have armor as a reward too.

    For example Oceangreen Hills (your still a little low for that zone - level 70 ish) but it has 2 ways to get armor. It is given for completing some Hero's journey quests like Paragon's Chain Bracer or this from drops Archaic Cloth Armor and there is a kick fire aug from there that will last you many levels and by the time your done your whole crew will be well made up - Bayle's Heraldic Crest
  7. shoehorn Journeyman

    Chest and legs tutorial armor. My belt, cloak and shoulders are fine. The extra armor from Franklin quests don't sell for very much.

    The cash problem i think is just the speed you level in FV. Not enough grinding = not enough drops and cash....and inflation is horrendous.

    I never experienced not having enough cash on bertox to be able to buy all my spells and armor ...but the leveling is far slower.

    Only thing I can think of.
  8. kookoo Augur

    what is your toon name in FV i can help you some there.
    Stymie likes this.
  9. Koshk Augur

    That's very bad luck, not getting any defiant Chest or Leg drops in all this time. :(

    Like you, I also started on FV from scratch as a Level 1. Leveling is definitely quite fast, at least until about 75 or 80. Then it starts to slow down.

    I never had problems with armor, though I duo'd with another player, and we liked to roll alts. A druid for porting, a chanter for clarity. If the alts looted chain/plate, they'd share with the other characters.

    The first time I chased non-Defiant armor was around level 70, I think. I started doing all the quests in The Buried Sea, to get Hero's armor. Very good stuff compared to Defiant. After that, farmed some rares in SoF. Then did all the quests in Seeds of Destruction for Paragon's armor.

    I don't know much about Monks, so I'm not sure where to farm chest/leggings that aren't Defiant. I'd probably check some sites like raspersrealm.com, eqitems.com, or raidloot.com.
    shoehorn likes this.
  10. shoehorn Journeyman

    Thanks for the tips!
    Stymie likes this.