Future Enchanter Spell Progression Discussion

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Qest T. Silverclaw, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Ratbo Peep Augur

    As a Ranger - I don't feel ANYONE's dis-spell outta strip anything but the buffs off a mob.
    I don't mind sharing that at all - In fact, I think anything else is "broken".
    I also don't mind if Chanter punts worked just as slick as Blusterbolt does.
  2. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Different peeps use Bob for different reasons. I'd vote to (more or less) leave him alone - just MOVE him to the be a top level spell instead of a bottom level spell. (ie 100 vs 96 in our case).
    This alone would mitigate "most" of the complaints peeps have about his hardness etc....
    He just fails the "level check" in current content - and that's an easy fix.
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    And we're back to the original topic. This sounds good to me, and would allow a higher level needed spell to be reduced in level in exchange.

    I just want to reiterate the caveat that spells lowered in relative level in order to give us access to our most needed spells earlier mustn't be reduced in relative power.
  4. Brohg Augur

    y'all recognize that the level of a summon spell has only incidental relationship with pet level? The relationship is arbitrary, meaningless. Necros have two pet spells, 97 & 100 (warrior & rogue, respectively) , they summon the same level pet. Mages have four spells, 96979899, they all summon the same level pet. Regardless of the level of your pet spell, it's going to summon whatever pet enchanters are supposed to have in that level range. The only difference is you don't get to use it while leveling.
  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    That's why I suggested a "one time" stop-gap "bonus" pet spell.
    Give a new Bob at 101, then the next one at 105. Then just leave it at the top level from there out.
    Yes... the 105 Bob will struggle a bit from 106-110 on the following expansion. But most people push to max level quickly anyway - so the new Bob would come in a week or three... :)
    God forbid 2 pets per expansion!..... one at 102 and one at 104 (or something?)
  6. Ratbo Peep Augur

    OK - with that in mind - then leave the spell where it is and bump the pet a couple levels.
    He might be a bit OP in the 1st couple levels.... but at least would be "OK" at the top end.
    -R (PS calling ANY Chanter pet OP kinda needs a laugh track attached)
  7. AguaPurificata New Member

    Didn't they already say we wont be getting levels passed 100, just AA's?
  8. Mykaylla Augur

    No, that has never been said.
  9. Ueuill Elder

    I'm glad you see it that way. Personally, I get a little tired of our abilities being farmed out. We tend to lose our usefulness if everything we have gets farmed out to someone else.

    But regarding spell progression...is there any way we can get the PB AoE line of mezzes increased in duration? The only time it had any significant use at all was back when mezz mastery actually worked on it...before a former Community Liaison got it nerfed in anticipation of newer, better aspects to our class which never materialized.

    But at least in my lowbie status, it's pretty much pointless to have. It doesn't last long enough to cast anything, except a single-target mezz. But if you've AoE mezzed more than one mob, even then it's of dubious usefulness because you'll never lock down two mobs before the PB AoE mezz wears off. But say, for instance, I'm charming something and my charm spell breaks, I could cast Word of Morell to mezz my erstwhile pet (who's still wearing my Speed of Vallon), then reclaim it. But one small problem: Command of Druzzil is a five-second cast time, and with the 1.5 second GCD, my mezz has already worn off before Command of Druzzil lands. And it's been my experience that mezzed mobs like to open up with a bash when they awaken from a mezz.

    Could I suggest to the current Community Liaisons that the Devs might reach a compromise? What about making the PB AoE mezz line lasting two ticks instead of one? I don't care about being able to maintain it indefinitely by recasting. They can lengthen the reuse time for all I care. I just want the PB AoE line to be useful again. I realize that I'll be getting a two-tick PB AoE mezz when I reach 100. But that's about 35 levels away, and doesn't do me any good now.

    Or how about Mesmerisation Mastery adding only one tick on AoE mezzes for every third rank or something; i.e., one additional tick after the first rank, then another tick on the fourth rank?
  10. Ueuill Elder

    How about a nuke that does double damage (still subject to crits and twincasts) on mobs below 20% health?
  11. Ratbo Peep Augur

    No offense but you don't think Chanter burns are up to par?
    Really truly?
    What would be nice is if the "Chaotic Baffling Gift" thingie worked on any MoB - whether the Mez actually stuck or not.
  12. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Even a 2 ticks there's very little time to properly re-mez all the mobs caught up in a good Beam of Slumber.
    I agree it needs enough time to get control of the fustercluck.
    Jordis likes this.
  13. Ueuill Elder

    Well, since I'm level seventy right now, I'd say "no." But from what I gather, we finally got a decent nuke at level 100.
  14. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Our ability to control mobs is unparalleled already. Causing situations where that kind of control is necessary will lead to other classes getting more of our abilities, since no one class can be necessary. If not for immune mobs, I'd consider our CC ability sufficient...not that getting Lurch/AE Lurch would be a bad thing.

    Ya, we get to the point where, if the planets align, we can even appear on a top 10 DPS list in raids!

    We also get what I call "utility" nukes which either rune your target's target, or give group mana.

    Combined with Chaotic mez, which gives us two guaranteed Twincasts, our nukes are over-powered compared to our DoTs.
  15. onyuyan Augur

    Shhhh, our DoTs are underpowered compared to our nukes :p

    But I agree with Qest... I admit my enchanter is not my main (though I do love playing him), but it kinda sucks having zones like Argin where most mobs can't be CCed (at least not easily/sustainably), making an enchanter closer to a debuffing/mild DPS/ADPS class rather than a crow control class.

    However I love how the first two waves in Burn Out are mezzable. For the first time in, well, forever, I've been asked to bring my enchanter rather than my mage when people want help with the mission. Granted this is one mission in the game, but it actually makes me really happy, and I'd love more scenarios like this. It's important to note that there are other ways of handling these stages (they can be split, so mezzing isn't "required"), but having an enchanter makes it so much easier.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  16. Ueuill Elder

    Yeah, right. When was the last raid you had where Wizzies weren't necessary. Or Warriors.

    Sounds nice to me. Though I suspect raid leaders will be calling for Enchanters to nuke in succession, or to each start their nuke rotation with different nukes, so as to keep "chain-runing" the tank.
  17. onyuyan Augur

    Warriors I can see, but we regularly raid without wizards and do fine.
  18. Ueuill Elder

    I see. And do you do the exact same raids that you would do if your Wizards were present? And if so, do you do just as well and succeed just as often?
  19. onyuyan Augur

    Uhm I don't keep track but our first win on Burn Out was with no wizards online... They're great but they're not essential.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  20. Brohg Augur

    Raid viability feels like an odd discussion to be having with someone who just heard somewhere what level 100 (really level 90+) spells are.