Frozen Orb of the Fabled King

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jewels, May 9, 2016.

  1. Tanols Augur

    You and others seem to be completely missing the point. The augs that they are making convertible are ONE TIME ONLY rewards. Once you make a selection that is it you are stuck with it rest of your playing time. Devs are offering us ability to change our minds to adjust to changing EQ.

    Stone of Power , PoWar augs those easy to reacquire until you get the one of your choosing.
    Bobsmith and Sancus like this.
  2. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    My guess is as good as anyones, but I agree with Tanols. I have a feeling they only plan to use the convert button for 1 time only reward augs. Augs that you can refarm missions or raids until you get the one of your choosing will prolly be left the same.
  3. MrMajestykx Augur

    IF the aug is re obtainable, the onus is on you to rethink your decision for stat you want. Such is not the case for the Frozen Orb, Sliver of Fear, Stone of the Crystal Circle etc
  4. Brudal Augur

    Agree with Frozen being a 1 time only reward and appreciate the chance to convert, but there 3 ways to get the crystal circle aug (1 quest and 2 achievements), maybe they should remove the lore group on it, leave them lore and let me use the dex I have and the str I have in my recycle bin, although with only 220 hit points it is likely the next on the chopping block. The thought on the stones of power was more of a hey, here is a way to generate some good will with your playerbase that may be getting fed up with broken content.
  5. segap Augur

    Or a way to tick off those of us that had horrible luck and spent every single day they were up running 3+ missions until finally getting the one we wanted with a day or two to spare. They're obtainable to switch every year. You're just at the mercy of the RNG to switch.
    Sancus likes this.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    If you got the one you wanted then that is not horrible luck. There are those that have been doing that every day those missions are up since the anniversary that they were introduced, and still have not gotten the one they want. So I disagree with the idea that that someone is capable of switching it every year. It is possible, but it just as possible that they will not get the one they want.
    Viper1 likes this.
  7. Viper1 Augur

    While that's true what you just said here, I thought the same thing when first hearing about these changes. However, consider what would be the point of making players farm these augs (stone of power, powar) by doing missions over and over waiting for a specific drop while the rest rot? From my point of view, there's not much gained from that scenario. So I actually think they should go ahead and apply these changes to all augs that share the same lore group.
  8. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Is this concept much different then farming a named mob for the aug you want, while letting all other drops off said named rot? Yes you get more chances in a shorter period of time usually named hunting, but it's the same concept. People farm stuff for the item they want while letting all other drops rot on a daily basis.
  9. Viper1 Augur

    Named spawns don't have lockout timers. You can have named spawn back to back and they only have one augmentation on their drop table so you know exactly what mob to camp for a particular augment. If I could request the same mission back to back I'd be more inclined to agree with you here.

    And when you camp a named, you don't have to deal with multiple items being from the same lore group and I can call guildmates in to loot them if need be. Can't do that in a mission that locks part way through.
  10. segap Augur

    There are augs that only drop off named in HAs. Every named that drops an aug also drops other items. No guarantee if you kill it, you'll get an aug.

    There are 4 or 5 different missions you can do back to back for the augs in question. Asking for a shortcut to get the desired power stone aug is just asking for a handout. Altering the the quest rewards make sense from the standpoint of you can only get an achievement item once. Altering lore group augs that are repeatable does not.
  11. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Sorry, but there is a huge difference between rare drops from named in permanent HAs and extremely rare extra drops from completing limited time missions which you can do and you can do the whole time it is available and not get a single aug, much less the one you actually want.
    Viper1 likes this.
  12. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Yes the rng can suck and you can go without the aug of your choice. Maybe I was just lucky, but I ended up with the desired Stone of Power aug on both my chars the first year I farmed them. Same with the PoW aug. I applaud the change to the achievement augs, and honestly I wouldn't mind seeing the farmable augs be convertible. But like I said before these are refarmable augs and I don't see DBG changing them.
    Bobsmith likes this.