FREE to PLAY extreme FAQ needed plz

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Mostlee, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Mostlee New Member

    Here are some things that I could not find out by reading the SOE FAQs about Free to Play EQ:
    1. Veteran's Rewards (a. do you lose them? b. do you keep them and continue to earn them? c. is there a limit if you do?).
    2. Characters/slots - I have 14 total character slots on my one EQ account, 6 of which are empty (a. Do I lose all of my current characters and end up with 2 free slots plus the 6 slots I paid for? b. Do I only lose the races/classes of my current characters and what remains, fills the 8 total slots? c. Do I only end up with the top two pre-existing characters/slots of appropriate class/race and 6 empty paid for slots?).
    3. Chat: are they serious? They claim that I can only /shout, /aution, /raid, /fellowship and new player channel. What happened to being able to use: /ooc, /say, /tell, /group??? or Am I being too literal?
    4, Online Knowledge Base only. I can think of a few instances when there were updates/server issues which caused current versions of my characters to revert to prior saves. Things went missing due to the changes and CS intervention saved the day a few times. With free to play, it sounds like you're OOL. True?

    In any case, I can't be the only one that has been playing EQ for years and now wish to downgrade my secondary account.
  2. Izcurly Augur
    (1) Veteran rewards work the same as always, except that you no longer need a paid account to accrue additional veteran time.
    (2) Characters that predate F2P are grandfathered and accessible regardless of whether you unlocked the class and/or race. Any characters created after F2P started will need appropriate unlocks to be used. Any slots you purchased should remain purchased, so I'd guess you'd end up with 10 slots (4+6 under silver).
    (3)Silver status comes free for accounts that predate F2P, so you're looking at the wrong column for everything. And for those that don't predate F2P, it's a one-time(not monthly) charge of $5 to shift to the silver column. So you have no chat restrictions.
    (4)You can always try, but that may be the case. If it's important enough to you, you can always buy gold for a month to get full CS again.
  3. CrazyLarth Augur