FREE Krono's !

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Whulfgar, May 13, 2016.

  1. Whulfgar Augur

    Giving away 1 year's worth of krono's in Pok (Povar server) 12 noon Saterday 5/14/2016.

    Any and all are welcome. Details of which, will be delt with prior to actual event.

  2. Berrad_Bounty Journeyman

    I seem to remember a certain warrior asking another warrior to explain procs before the change for a krono. The said warrior left server first lol. *cough*
  3. Whulfgar Augur

    Actually you explained your version of procs .. Lets be real Berrad..
  4. Leex Pewpewer

    Might want to add what time zone you are in...
    Whulfgar likes this.
  5. Whulfgar Augur

    Good idea, That would be 12 noon "Central" .. (convert to your timezones)
  6. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Damn I'll be working you should bump it down about an hour or two to more like 10-11 :)
  7. Aghinem Augur

  8. Whulfgar Augur

    1 hour, til its time..
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    Starting the give away in 5 minutes people. Left side of Lobby door (as your looking at the door) on Povar server. Any / all welcome.
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    Erbor won 3, Devin won 3, and Anomandaris won 6 krono. Grats folks.
  11. Blart Lorekeeper

    excellent work!