Former EQOA player seeking a home.

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Velendor, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Velendor New Member

    Like many others i played EQOA for many many years, and have done everything the game had to offer. I haven't found any other game that feels right besides EQ1 in the past few years. I'm looking to get back into playing EQ but i had a difficult time without a guild or people i knew to group with. Obviously I will have a learning curve, but the game mechanics are very similar to those of the console version. I'm wondering if any other former EQOA players are still active here? I'd like to find a nice guild because I'm sure i will need the occasional point in the right direction. I have tri boxed and played anything from Main Tank to multiple stack healers and led my own successful raid guild for many years so I feel i could be an asset to a raiding guild once i catch up. I would love to find someone to xp with but i know its mostly a solo game until the 50's. If any guild thinks they could use me in the future i'd love to hear from you.

    Thanks for the read,
    Velendor, Velsk, Erradicate, and about 16 other Vel characters on eqoa.
  2. Roxxanna Augur

    The Eternal Darkness on The Rathe server is always looking for new friends. We are a family style guild that just likes to have fun, our only requirements are a good attitude, and a desire to have fun with like-minded individuals. With a little help from a few friends, that mountain of learning your facing isn't quite as rough. We have been picking up a lot of new friends from this forum. We are not a raiding guild, except for Anguish as people need their epics. We do have some world class raiders in house, but they raid with other guilds, and just come home to roost with us because we are all family, even if not in real life, so their expert advice is available. We also have Ventrillo, and a player base ranging from Europe to Hawaii. Even if you don't stay with us, although I think you will, I encourage you to try us out. Any class, any level, any player skill level. If this sounds like what you're looking for, send me a /tell, Roxxanna, m-f 6-9pm, almost anytime on weekends. Looking forward to hearing from you.