forlorn bow and forlorn player

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by ElfNoir, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. ElfNoir New Member

    Because I've never played anything like Everquest, I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm doing my research but I've got some pretty hefty holes in my learning curve.

    I cannot equip my forlorn bow and basic wood tipped arrows, nor can I equip the quiver though I can open it and stock it with arrows.

  2. Eagleclaww Journeyman

    What class are you?

    You putting it in the ranged slot?
  3. Yther Augur

    Quiver is a container and goes in a blank inventory spot (same place your backpacks are located).

    Bow goes in Range slot, while at least one arrow must be in the Ammo slot. To be able to equip the bow, you must be Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD ROG which is Warrior, Paladin, Ranger, Shadowknight, or Rogue. Bards, Beastlords, Beserkers, Clerics, Druids, Enchanters, Magicians, Monks, Necromancers, Shamans, nor Wizards can equip it. This is also the same classes needed to equip the Class 1 Wood Point Arrows.

    To fire it, use the Ranged Attack button on your Melee Abilities window (Ctrl+M - Melee tab), or make a hotkey with the command /autofire in the first line.

    Berserkers get disciplines starting at level 1 to summon Throwing Axes for Ranged / Ammo items (1 in each slot). The other classes generally use thrown items, such as throwing daggers or shurikens, although Priests are generally more limited on their selection of useable thrown items.

    Yther Ore.
  4. Minadin Journeyman

    Priests are extremely limited on range items - however the Bracer of Hammerfal summons throwing items we can use.

    In your case, it sounds like you need to make certain that you have bow in range, an arrow in ammo, and more arrows in a bag (hopefully a quiver), and then hit or type /autofire.
  5. Geroblue Augur

    If you cannot use a bow, get it out of the tutorial barrels anyway. At a plat each when you sell them, they help gain monies for spells. And I've heard attacking the kobold barrels can reduce the items in the barrel. Just click on one and type /open in your chat window.