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For the love of gawwwwwd...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Oct 18, 2022.

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  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Please fix this ECL pick thing. Yelinak and I'm assuming Vaniki were the first TLP to experience this. You will always...............ALWAYS end up in the wrong pick and have to pick over. Always.

    If you log over to a mule to send some plat to someone and log back......wrong pick. If you camp out to move an item via parcel....wrong pick. If you zone in and one pick has 50 people and the other has 8...........WRONG PICK.

    It is so......obnoxious.
    IheartEQ, Grok, Brontus and 1 other person like this.
  2. Zorglub Journeyman

    When I go to the tunnel...wrong pick..
    We should have the choice at zoning and get an automatised pick.
  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Are you level 1 on your mule? It automatically sticks you in the pick with fewest people if so. If you level to 2 that won't happen. Or at least that's how it was on previous servers, I can't say for certain if something changed since then.
    Bobbybick likes this.
  4. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    Agreed! I spend 10 minutes each day going back and forth using /picks to get in the right pick to buy and sell with my low level Commonlands tunnel mule.

    The same thing happens to my high level druid. He ports people and it's a real hassle not being able to easily switch picks to find people and port them.

    Due to the buy and sell nature of Commonlands, there is no reason to have picks in this zone. Surely, the devs can suspend the picks for this zone and stop the insanity.
  5. Zinkeh Augur

    It used to happen to level 1 mules. Now it just.........happens lol.
  6. Quik Augur

    I have 2 accounts on 2 computers.

    No idea why but my main account always zones into the main pick and my second account always zones into second pick.

    Happens almost every time for some weird reason.
  7. Azzudien Augur

    This still happens on Mischief, had it happen in my group twice the other night. First person to zone out of instance would go 1 pick, the other 5 a different pick. Sadly both times the first person to zone was our porter
  8. Lineater Augur

    Maybe has something to do with a fairly recent patch (within the last few months)? Can't remember exactly what is was. Something to do with groups and pick timers.
  9. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    Another thing that really bugs me is when you have a corpse in a pick and when you enter the zone, it puts you in another pick. This kept happening to me in Siren's Grotto a week ago. I spent an hour trying to get my corpse.

    Upon entering a zone, the coding should ensure you enter the pick that contains your corpse, unless you use the pick system.

    Another thing, there is no way to determine where your corpse is, unless you consent someone. You should simply be able to type /corpse and it should return the location, pick, and time left on the rez timer.
    niente likes this.
  10. Zinkeh Augur

    So just now, I zoned into the commonlands. I am in a pick of 11 people. The main pick has 65. Why in the hell am I and 11 people in this 2nd pick? Why is there even a 2nd pick?
  11. TheRealMuramx Elder

    I understand them fixing the issues with party's being split and I always had that issue on Mischief. Parties when zoning in should go into the same pick.

    Now to play devil's advocate...

    This sounds more like a community issue then a game mechanics/Dev issue. My understanding is the main /pick never closes (unless no one is in the zone, to help with the server load) this means that if the server community would say "Hey let's make the main pick the one we sell in!" then when you log in and see your in pick 75, then just /pick to the main and 30 secs later your trade mule is where they need to be. If your picking multiple times to find out where people are selling stuff or can't use chat to ask... the problem is 100% on you and/or the community.
  12. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    The problem is that a few years ago to discourage farmers that pick hop, they send players to the succor point after they choose a new pick. This penalizes normal non-farmers who want to resume play in the area they logged off.

    Let's say you are camping the Ghoul Arch Magus in Lower Guk and have decided to log on for the night. You camp at the safe hall a few yards away. The next day you log on at the same spot, only to find a group camping the Ghoul Arch Magus. There are 3 more picks available. So you roll the dice and choose one of the picks only to find the next pick is camped as well.

    Now you have to wait 5 minutes to try your luck with another pick. That's 5 minutes of my life wasted just waiting around for the right to choose a new pick which may also be camped. Not to mention you have to waste another few minutes getting to the same camp spot that you camped at and expending an invis to undead potion as well. It might take you 10 more minutes to find that the open world and all of the picks are camped. You just wasted 15 minutes of your life because of the artificial 5 mins pick reuse mechanic.

    Why is it that rank and file players are routinely penalized for the misdeeds of griefers and farmers in EverQuest?

    We also know know that new picks do not spawn with any rare creatures in them. Again, this was done to prevent farmers from monopolozing spawns. But it ended up unfairly penalizing non-farmers too.

    One solution that I can think of is that players should get one free pick with no 5 minute reuse penalty an once per hour.

    Another solution is that a after a player selects a pick, they should not be teleported to the succor point for this time only. Each subsequent pick within an hour would take them to the succor point. It would reset each hour.

    The invention of picks (instancing) solved a lot of problems, but it created some unintended problems as well. With a bit of effort and ingenuity, these problems could be solved by the devs.
  13. TheRealMuramx Elder

    I understand the reasoning why they did it. And I agree that things need to be fixed, such as splitting groups when zoning (which has been an ongoing issue as far as I can remember. I was speaking more towards the complaints about people having traders in the EC tunnel and complaining they are....

    If a person is spending that much time going through picks to find which EC pick they need, to be in to sell things with everyone else... that's on you not a game mechanic lol.
  14. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    World of Warcraft has let players have their own picks for 18 years. Why can't EverQuest players have their own picks?
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Different games with different development and hardware budgets as well as different design styles? Not to mention the last I heard you only had your own for the 5 man dungeons and not the open world content which you had to share and has no picks.
    Brildon likes this.
  16. Brildon Augur

    Brontus always trying to push his hidden agenda with false or misinformation
  17. Brontus EQ Player Activist


    However, instanced dungeons are the bread and butter for many WoW players. Allowing players to endlessly farm them did not destroy WoW at all. Doing the same for EQ players would not destroy EQ either.

    The developers at Blizzard took risks and were not afraid to think outside the box and challenge the design status quo of the time epitomized by EverQuest and WoW became the most successful MMO of all time.

    In fact, Darkpaw could make more revenue and charge players a fee for having their own instance and it would help keep Daybreak solvent and keep the pixel spice flowing.

    Having your own instance would solve many problems. Players could actually do dungeon crawls free from the monopolization of mage armies and farmers who would have their own personal dungeons. This would reduce the amount of toxicity considerably.

    Those players who wish to adventure in traditional EQ dungeons and picks would continue to do so. Everyone wins here.
  18. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    My dastardly moustache twirling agenda is so hidden, that even I don't know what it is. Perhaps you could enlighten me.

    My general philosophy posting here on the forums is to make EQ better for everyone. I admit I do have a soft spot for the voiceless in the EQ community: new players, solo players, and group players. I have 4 accounts and play all classes with equal vigor and enthusiasm. I am not here to advocate for any particular class either. I just want EQ to be the best it can be.

    Everyone makes mistakes. If I post something that is not factual, it is not intentional and I'd be happy to stand corrected. Thanks.
  19. FranktheBank Augur

    For the love of god, put the subject in the title.
  20. IheartEQ Elder

    The EC pick issue always gave me a laugh when I was selling or buying an item in the tunnel. I would often receive a message like, "I'm in the tunnel. I don't see you." I would have to explain that they are in the wrong pick which generated a common reply like, "it tricked me again."

    I never had this issue when I was coming in from Ro to EC, but it happened a lot from FP to EC, Nek to EC, or login to EC. It would be cool if we got a pop-up before zone-in to choose our pick. I agree. It is very annoying.
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