/follow Improvement please.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goth, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. Leex Pewpewer

    You think they'll work on coding for boxes but they can't even implement their own maps?They don't even do player rankings anymore. ( aka eqplayers) Trust me no matter what the issue is, it's not going to take just 2 minutes to fix. EQ code is so twisted it probably would take them at least an hour to figure out where they messed up and then another couple of hours to fix it, at the very least.

    I haven't tried the background fps thing but I think that sounds like the best option if you want an ingame fix, otherwise pay for [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software], make a mage, or tab back and forth and move one at a time :p.
  2. Dre. Altoholic

    While this helps the turning speed bug, the major areas for improvements with autofollow are:

    1. Control over autofollow distance
    2. Z-axis following (swimming, lev)
    3. Auto-zoning operation (move to zoneline, click object, say phrase to NPC)
    4. Auto-auto-follow after zoning

    Although I'd argue the single best thing that could ever happen to autofollow would be tweaking hitbox physics so characters 'slide' past zone geometry like they used to back in the day. Biggest offenders of this are:
    • Trees
    • Torches
    • Open doors
    • Rocks
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  3. Iila Augur

    This was mentioned at soelive, and Jchan said to /bug zones/where it happened. The room collectively answered EVERYWHERE.

    The warning on using autofollow IS very true, any time I use it anywhere near lava, it somehow finds a way to fall in that lava.
  4. MrGPAC Augur

    Easiest fix to this is to out CoH to more classes, or to make CoH clickies. Out of all the abilities that have been whored out to multiple classes, or to everyone, I'm kind of surprised CoH has maintained its one class only status...can't really think of any other ability that is so useful yet limited to just one class...

  5. Scila Augur

    Its not just lava or what's in the disclaimer, the auto walk/run flip flopping no matter what you do to it is a pita. Sometimes it works fine others no matter what you do in the exact same zone/spot it doesn't work. It also doesn't matter if you have SOE/identical mounts on or off or run bazillion AA's on or off the lead or follow toons it can wig out or be fine in the exact same spots. It also doesn't matter if there's people in the zone or 0 population like a guild hall or the lobby sometimes with a loaded lobby it works with no problems where I would expect it to lag out and in the hall with just 2 toons one toon falls behind like a worn out rubberband. As to the CoH on more toons ... I'm not a fan cookie cuttering all classes to be like each other. There's been enough of it already to start to blend some where there's no uniqueness in playing one over the other. What makes each class unique such as CoH, Rez, track, etc. should stay with the class.