Focus Effects on mangler

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by itsalmosttime, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. itsalmosttime Lorekeeper

    It is completely idiotic not to have focus effects on mangler.

    What is purpose of this?

    If you want to make this server exactly like it was in classic, then there are many other quality of life improvements that need to be taken out as well.

    Hell bring it back to only looking at your spellbook when sitting.

    I do not for the life of me understand the logic of disabling the focus effects all the way to luclin.

    At least enable them starting kunark for the love of god!
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Casters OP, balance is good. Invite a rogue, they need love too.
  3. itsalmosttime Lorekeeper

    It's not just "casters" it's things like cleric heals on raids, clutch moments where seconds will count.

    It just makes no sense at all, when for example the bandolier is in game on mangler, which makes life as a melee or in particular a bard, much much easier.

    That wasn't in game....

    Even with focus effects melee, in particular monks will top parses through luclin, so this whole "balance" argument is moot.
  4. code-zero Augur

    Originally Mangler was suppose to have much lower exp and a much harsher death penalty. Why are you complaining? It was never supposed to be a high QoL server
  5. Byun Elder

    It's a truer classic experience.
  6. Numiko Augur

    I think they should return to having to look at your spell book for medding too!
  7. millaa Journeyman

    I feel like you began playing on Mangler without reading the ruleset first, then decided to nerdrage when you discovered the ruleset. Reading is good, mmmkay?
  8. itsalmosttime Lorekeeper

    I feel like you don't understand how stupid it is to remove focus effects when there are 100 other things that make life easier.

    Such as the fact that your items don't stay on your corpse, like they did EVEN DURING LUCLIN

    BTW I'm not raging for myself as I picked monk so I"m good.

    I'm raging for the casters out there, this is so dumb.
  9. itsalmosttime Lorekeeper


    Lets be real here, this is an attempt to curve krono farmers as the focus effect items are the highest selling items.

    That's the truth.

    Has nothing to do with being a more "classic" experience.
  10. millaa Journeyman

    I feel like you did not read the server rules before you decided to play there. Also, if you claim you don't play any casters, you would not be so unreasonably upset, so you are clearly a liar.
  11. Ceffener Augur

    Has the lack of focus effects made something in classic challenging? Not sure what I’ve missed out on so far.
    snailish likes this.
  12. Protagonist Tank

    DBG reneged on the original XP plan when people whined hard enough. There is a subset of people that will always whine to get the world tailored to keep them mollified, and that subset now thinks they just have to whine harder.
    millaa and code-zero like this.
  13. itsalmosttime Lorekeeper

    The only reason why they are doing this is to try and stop krono farmers, or at least slow them down.

    That's it.

    And no I don't play a caster.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.

    I did not read the rules and i don't care.

    This is simply a post pointing out how stupid the idea is.

    Nothing more.

    And yet you can't argue against me you just keep saying " you didn't read the rules QQ"

    But I'm still right.
  14. itsalmosttime Lorekeeper

    I will say as a monk I will enjoy not being contested at all for top dps all the way to luclin.

    It's gonna be nice.

    Feel bad for the wizards and necros though, but they will get their time come luclin.
  15. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    Have the Mitigation of the Mighty buffs on boss mobs also been removed? A DBG dev once said on these forums that the MOTM buff was justified to compensate for the increased player power due to focus effects.

    Mitigation of the Mighty:
    32khp mobs now have 120khp
    40% raw mitigation of all melee and spells
    Roughly doubles mob dps
    Increased AC
    Pet aggro goes to pet owner
  16. a_librarian Augur

    Loot as a caster seems way too boring to me with the focus effects removed. I think they did it just to see if they could for the planned hardcore server, and ended up finding a working solution so they wanted to make use of it even though the server concept changed. At least it will take the classic krono farmer spots down a peg
  17. Sirhc Apprentice

    Focus effects are way too op for classic eq cmon man lol.
  18. snailish Augur

    Since Combine/Sleeper, in particular ahead of Fippy/Vulak, the dev team realized that streamlining progression to be more-classic, more-fun, more-purposeful content for each era, without being stuck on bad design of the past was the ideal to strive for.

    Well, maybe not 100%...

    But, they have done a ton of things that mostly build in that direction. Focus effects before Luclin was a stand-out issue because: content wasn't tuned for them at all, they caused undue loot pressure on specific things that weren't supposed to be that coveted in era.

    It was a great move, a solid fix and the right thing to do. If it is game-breaking for someone... join up after Luclin drops? Note: I love focus effects.

    Expect to be further dismayed, as there remains things that needed adjusted. Without making a huge list, player power remains way over the top for these early eras. At some point the charm lobby probably gets a bone of some sort too... and so on...
    Gorgol the Ogre and Taladir like this.
  19. BarfJello New Member

    I dont mind now having focus effects, but how will this be handled with the coldain shawl quest. It was basically the tradeskill epic of the velious era and now half of it will be null and void for 12 weeks.
  20. millaa Journeyman

    Wait - you think focus effects were removed to try to stop krono farmers? You are so disconnected from the reality of this server it is no longer worth my thumbstrokes.
  21. Nykara2 Elder

    Whatever the reason its worked to drop prices down so fast you don't have time to blink. Item prices keep going down, down, down. The only thing thats really gone up is krono prices and even that hasnt gone up by much over the past week. (From 1.5kpp to 1.650kpp).

    Its a server with an actual decent economy.
    Majis likes this.