Fix Magician Class Please

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Cicelee, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    I have been playing a main magician since February 2000. I have seen hundreds and thousands of changes to my class throughout the years- some great ones, some awful ones, and some "eh" ones. However there is one thing that, throughout the years and still to this day, has never been addressed or fixed by an EQ developer. Quite possibly the single defining thing of the magician class...

    The ability to summon a rabbit from a hat.

    This inadvertent oversight has gone on for far far too long. At first I waited with patience and hope that this would be fixed. As the years have gone on, however, I fear that the EQ developers have other things they rather do for my class. Mod rods. Increased DPS. Fade. All these things are swell and dandy, but they do not (and cannot) replace the ability to summon a rabbit from a hat.

    I hope, with the trend of unannounced and unselected class representatives asking for fixes for their class,that this post gets the recognition and attention it so rightfully deserves. I am throwing my hat into this party; I can only hope that eventually I can also pull a rabbit out of it as well.
    Leezerd, Tour, Igniz and 2 others like this.
  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

  3. Cicelee Augur

    All I see is the summoning of a rabbit.

    Where is the hat?
  4. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

  5. Brohg Augur

  6. FixShamanPlease Elder

    Shaman class first. :D
  7. Igniz Augur

    You got your "doggies out of the pocket" spell - now let the devs create the most important "rabbit out of the hat" spell! Important things first! They don't need to fix something that isn't broken.
  8. Andronicus Elder


    But it would be REALLY cool if it was like the bunny from Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail'.
