Five EverQuest Devs, One Chat Room

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Come chat live with the EverQuest Development Team, Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 4PM Pacific.

    The Development Team has a lot of great game updates for the 15th Anniversary of EverQuest, and they would love the opportunity to talk with you directly about them. Do you have thoughts about the February patch being discussed here and here? Or maybe you just want to hang out a bit and talk about what else is on your EQ-loving mind? In either case, you definitely won’t want to miss the chance to talk with the EverQuest Team live!

    Come hang out with the following game Devs in a live Wikia chatroom, hosted on the official EverQuest Wikia page:
    • Thom “Phathom” Terrazas
    • Jonathan “Prathun” Caraker
    • Jenn “JChanSOE” Chan
    • Ed “Aristo” Hardin
    • Doug “Elidroth” Cronkhite
    How do you log into this chatroom?

    If you’re already logged into the EverQuest Wikia, you can use this easy link!

    If you haven’t created a Wikia account yet, you can do so by signing up using the link at the top right of the page here.

    The EverQuest Development Team looks forward to chatting with you soon! What will you talk about with them?
  2. IGiveYouCash Lorekeeper

    Is this chat going to be stable or off and on constantly?;)
    moogs, Khaibasis, Nolrog and 3 others like this.
  3. Jameason New Member

    whats is the purpose of this chat with devs on thursday? is there any point attending?
    They already announced the patch and what is doing and many many people have already spoken against it for various reasons.
    will attending this chat stop or change anything.
    Velric and Mozzarella like this.
  4. Fendy Augur

    They're probably hoping to avoid another 10,000 post thread.
    Elricvonclief and Mozzarella like this.
  5. Dexar Elder

    I hope "the vocal minority" doesn't spoil the grand roll out of what is sure to be the largest and most ill-conceived set of game changes EQ has ever seen. It still boggles my mind that you guys would do this at all, let alone on the eve of the 15th anniversary.

    I'm sure that when this talk turns ugly, Doug will set everyone at ease, by telling us that a few people have logged in multiple times, to create the illusion of a dis-satisfied majority.

    I am sure of one thing, it won't be boring.

  6. Nightmares Augur

    I'm just curious if they have anything planned to stop all the spurned people from going into all zones at once and training everything. I mean i have heard (read) this many times in the forums and in game. Kinda makes me nervous about trying to play that day. Or any day afterwards until its handled... (if indeed groups of people actually follow through and do this). I sincerely doubt they'd go through with it, that would be coordination on an epic scale and i don't know too many that have the ability to do something like that, or the want to. Meh, forget it.... kinda seems silly now lol...
    Pirouette and Pickleweasle like this.
  7. Pickleweasle Journeyman

    Yeah are probably right. Not many of those that are complaining about the changes have any sort of positive suggestions to put forth. Not too many of them have much respect for others that feel the changes are way overdue and much needed. They pretty much think there is a conspiracy at the top to ruin EQ. I myself can't wait for the update as it will not effect me either way. Everyone has their point of view and a right to their opinion...but to come here and bash a post about giving them a chance to field some good questions, concerns, or ideas is showing me just what the game means to them. Personally I am offended by the outrage that has been built up over the update. It is here on the boards and in general/guild chat. These people are dealing only in absolutes and have no ability or intention of looking at it from all sides. I know I will be setting time aside to attend. I hope people who attend this do so in earnest and are willing to listen to everyone and not just wave the victim flag. The actions nonsense being raged in general is truly ruining my fun. Would be nice if they would just pop the update into the game with not a peep of notification, hehe...sounds cruel...but these changes are going to rock and I can't wait!

    Long Live EQ!!!
    Monks Rule!
  8. Mary Poppins Augur

    I logged in just to "like" this, but since I'm on...

    How long is this chat scheduled to last? I would like to participate, but since I am a couple time zones behind I won't be able to get on until later. I have some questions for Prathun in particular.
  9. Mozzarella Elder

    And SOE removing all effective forms of PLing so that they can sell us AAs and heroic characters isn't exactly a far fetched conspiracy theory is it?

    Lag has been around forever. CotF, while fun, clearly didn't require much manpower: no new models, uninspired texturing, HAs being portions of dull zones instead of fun dungeons like we had in LDoN, cookie-cutter gear (many weapons have the exact same stats, give or take a proc, same for gear) - I could go on for a while.

    Doesn't it seem surprising that, while struggling to produce new quality content, the team found time to pour all those "great" changes into the game in such a sudden manner? Also, why were all the great ideas for smarter XP/AA gain dismissed?

    You are allowed to like the changes, as you said everyone is entitled to an opinion, but some very good points were made on the side of those against them.
    Ryneis, Petts, Melanippe and 3 others like this.
  10. Khat_Nip Meow

    That's a rather immature thing for people to do for any reason, moreso because they're in a huff about these changes.
  11. Brutus Journeyman

    If I cut and paste the positive feedback that was submitted my players; this thread would start to look like the other. Some of the complaints (I view most of them as suggestions) were not aimed at the goal but how management choses to attain that goal.

    re: Not many of those that are complaining about the changes have any sort of positive suggestions to put forth. Not too many of them have much respect for others that feel the changes are way overdue and much needed.
  12. Brutus Journeyman

    If I cut and paste the positive feedback that was submitted by players; this thread would start to look like the other. Some of the complaints (I view most of them as suggestions) were not aimed at the goal but how management chose to attain that goal. (re: AAs: Please view the post about the past changes on the experience curve)

    re: Not many of those that are complaining about the changes have any sort of positive suggestions to put forth. Not too many of them have much respect for others that feel the changes are way overdue and much needed
  13. Ryneis Elder

    I am confused like a few others that posted a reply to this thread. Why a chat? Does that mean the changes are not set to go in on Feb 17th? Can we further debate the changes to alter them?

    I would like to think the answer to those questions are that the changes are still not in stone. Even if they were not, I could not attend to provide feedback.

    Any chance for a summary of the chat to be placed here or maybe a continued discussion of the changes if that is the intent of the chat?


    Jameason likes this.
  14. Ryneis Elder

    I feel your frustration about the changes Leeroy. Just waiting for them to be employed with nothing that you can do. Misery does love company. I do hope that no one really does this but must say the SK inner side of me did smile when I read it hehe.

    I, however, will say this. I strongly disagree with most if not all the changes which is why I am posting but, I want the best for the game for "all" the players. Yes, I want the best even for the ones on the other side of the debate and, I would much rather prefer a good compromise that could be achieved to make all happy. Unfortunately by the posts and Dev replies, it just looks like this "better world for all dream" is not going to happen.

    Feeling your pain,

  15. Grundged Lorekeeper

    Feb 17th for the changes then huh? CANT WAIT! :)

    Looking forward to the changes, and the chat.
  16. Mary Poppins Augur

    As mentioned in the other thread, it's most likely the week of the 17th, not necessarily the 17th itself (which is a holiday). I don't think we got official confirmation yet, though.
  17. Xirtket Augur

    Your wiki is horrible to sign up for, invalid codes, invalid passwords errors
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'm more interested in hearing more about CotF
  19. Fendy Augur

    At least they didn't choose the in game chat (the one on the server select screen) I hope the chat is moderated. If not it's going to scroll almost too fast to read since everyone will feel the need to comment continuously. If a transcript is posted here I suggest the thread be immediately locked.
  20. Belgarath New Member

    As I work the day this is to kick off I wont be able to attend, (cough, umm, cough, i'm feeling sick, cough) lol.

    As I play a level 100 Mage, I'd like to be there if for no other reason just to see how it goes, as my class is one that is getting the biggest shaft, but as I never got into the beam kiting myself the nerfing of the beams will not really effect me, It's the whole AA deal that gets me in an uproar.

    As we all know AA's progress as you buy them they upgrade to the next expansion so on and so forth, and as we all level and progress in the game we have the option of placing the AA's where we want them to best benefit our class in the most effective way, I like many others in the game have spent months and years building our characters to what they are today, to simply say here have all these for free is like a slap in the face of all of our hard work, and while the option to opt in or out is a nice idea, it has it faults as well, if I opt in to get the free AA's then I'm forced to have all those useless AA's I would have never got till I maxed out the others that were most beneficial , and if I opt out to receive the AA grant then I get nothing at all, so I see it as here you either have it this way or nothing at all, so who is dealing in absolutes ?

    Now here is just an idea instead of the opt in or opt out options.

    Make another AA bank bar name it Granted AA's, add in the AA's you are eligible for as you level, make it so people can highlight from one or the other to spend AA's from,
    AA XP can't go into the Granted AA bank only what Sony grants, this way you at Sony, and those who want everything for free, and returning players get the free stuff, while those of us who have been here for ages (1999-2000 myself) still keep our characters as we have them without feeling cheated, then we can also not lose out on all those AA we have already spent in the areas you are granting out for free.

    This way you don't have to tweak the AA bonus in any kind of way everything still runs as is, as we progress in the game the AA bonus becomes less and less till you get to the point of no bonus.

    We as the player still have control over how we spend those AA's and where, Just sounds like a over all win win to me.
    Rogue-loving Chanter likes this.